birthsn. 出生人數;出身;起源(birth的複數形式)
births 出生人數;出生;竅門,手段;誕生;mutinle births 動物有多胞胎;births register 出生冊;出生冊 入境事務;births registry 出生登記處;出生登記處 入境事務;Births averted 避免出生的人數;
1.Yet the world Health Organization believes that almost 40% of all births go unrecorded. 然而,世界衛生組織認為約有40%的出生者並沒有做記錄。
2.Young are usually born singly, multiple births being the exception, and the family life is fairly uniform on all types of planets. 年輕人通常是單胎出生,多胎誕生是例外,而且在所有的行星上家庭生活是完全一致的。
3.New Zealand law requires all children born in the South Pacific nation to be registered with the Births, Deaths and Marriages registry within two months of birth. 新西蘭法律要求所有出生在這個南太平洋國家的小孩在出生兩個月之內到出生、死亡和婚姻登記署登記。