





commander in chief commander-in-chief generalissimo 總司令;commander in chief commander-in-chief generalissimo 總司令;Engineer in chief Chief Engineer 總工程師;Grace Abounding to Chief of Sinners 罪人受恩記;Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners 罪人受恩記;主的仁慈普降罪人;


1.The chief executive of the United States, serving as both chief of state and chief political executive. 總統美利堅合眾國的總統,同時為國家''。'元首'。''和政府首腦。

2.The three officials were said to be the chief of Tunlan coal mine, the engineer-in-chief and a deputy chief of the coal mine in charge of work safety, according to a Xinhua report. 根據新華社的報道,這三位主要領導人包括礦長、總工程師以及負責生產安全的副礦長。

3.Chief Powhatan was a powerful chief of the Algonquin tribe . 波厄坦是艾爾岡昆部落的首領。

4.Imagine a chief of police trying to find an arsonist when the arsonist is the chief of police. 不妨想像一個追查縱火犯的警官,而實際上,這位警官就是縱火犯。

5.In particular the Nanjing Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Bureau chief CHEN Yang, sub-basaltic Interpol chief Mo Health and other major police cases, are busy day and night cases. 尤其是南京市公安局刑偵局大隊長陳洋、玄武分局刑警大隊長莫文生等主要辦案民警,都是夜以繼日地忙於辦案。


Music is his chief hobby. - 音樂是他的主要業餘愛好。

Who is the chief of sate of this nation? - 誰是這國家的領袖?

The chief aim of man is not to get money. - 人生的主要目的不是為了掙錢。

The Ombudsman immediately wrote to the Chief of Police in the district asking him to send a record of the case. - 司法特派員立即寫信給當地警察局長,請他寄送與此事有關的材料。

There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaint was justified and the Chief of Police strongly denied the accusation. - 材料中沒有任何文字記載證明外國人所說的情況符合事實,警察局長矢口否認這一指控。


chief cells; princopal cells - 主細胞

chief cell hyperplasia - 主細胞增多症

chief complaint; complain of - 主訴

archiater; chief physician - 主任醫師

chief agglutinogen; major agglutinogen - 主凝集原

chief resident - 住院總醫師

four chief diseases in pediatrics; four chief diseases inpediatrics - 兒科四大要證

chief cell adenoma - 甲狀旁腺主細胞腺瘤


n.兒科四大要證 - four chief diseases in pediatrics

n.兒科四大要證 - four chief diseases inpediatrics

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