





n. 1000000 ,billion ,jillion ,meg


million['miljən]n. 百萬;無數adj. 百萬的;無數的num. 百萬


million 兆,百萬;百萬;無數;百萬,百萬個;million city 百萬人口城市;萬誠閣;Million Voices 百萬人聲;百萬同聲;Million Air 米利翁航空公司;Million Dollars 嘻哈音樂;百萬美元;


1.What would you do with a million dollars? 如果你有一百萬美元你會做什麼?

2.The error cost the company one million pounds. 這錯誤使公司「損失」了一百萬英鎊。

3.The school budgeted one million dollars for a new library. 學校編列了一百萬美元建新「圖書館」的預算。


Now he's got his own trading company. Ann told me he made four million dollars last year. - 現在他已有自己的貿易公司。安告訴我他去年賺了400萬美元。

I had a million things to do today. - 我今天有成千上萬的事要做。

The Sydney Olympics attracted more than one million new travelers into Australia. - 悉尼奧運會吸引了超過一百萬新的旅遊者到澳大利亞。

I've got a million things to do. - 我有很多事情要做。

They extended $2.5 million in loans to another country. - 他們向另一國提供250萬美元的貸款。

This painting is worth more than a million dollars to me because it's so beautiful. - 這幅畫是如此的美麗,對我而言,價值在百萬美元以上。

If his plan works, he'll earn 100 million in 10 years. - 如果按照他的計劃做,十年就能掙到一億元了。

There were six million visitors in all, - 參觀的人數總共是600萬。

Though Mrs.Busssman fully acquainted with this story, she thought that there was a chance in a million that she might be right. - 儘管巴斯曼夫人熟知這個情況,但她仍然認為自己的想法仍有百萬分之一的可能性。

it requires 97 per cent less energy to travel the quarter of a million miles from the Moon to Earth-orbit than the 200 mile-journey from Earth's surface into orbit! - 因此,從月球到地球的25萬英里所消耗的能量要比從地球表面進入地球軌道的200英里所耗能量少97%。

There are one hundred thousand million stars in our own Milky Way alone, - 僅我們的銀河系就有1000億顆恆星,

and then there are three thousand million other Milky Ways, or galaxies, in the universe. - 況且在宇宙中還有30億個天河,即銀河系。

So the number of stars that we know exist is now estimated at about 300 million million million. - 因此,我們所知道的現有恆星數目估計約有30億×1000億顆。

namely 6 million million miles.) Radio waves also travel at the speed of light, - 即6萬億英里)。無線電波也是以光速傳播的。

You look like a million dollars. - 你看上去帥呆了。

In 1892 the age of mass arrivals began, during which 15 million new people passed through Ellis Island into the USA over a period of 62 years. - 1892年開始了一個國外移民大量湧入的年代,在隨後的62年中,有1,500萬新來的人通過埃利斯島進入美國。

Between 1850 and 1910 the bison population is thought to have fallen from 60 million to just a few hundred. - 人們認為,在1850年到1910年之間,野牛的頭數從6,000萬頭降到只有幾百頭了。

There are about 50 million sheep in New Zealand, about 14 sheep for every New Zealander! - 在新西蘭大約有5000萬隻羊,每個新西蘭人擁有14隻羊左右!

Even before India won independence from its British rulers, it was clear that Gandhi was the key figure and leader in the struggle of 380 million Indians to govern themselves. - 甚至在印度從英國統治下獲得獨立之前,在3。8億印度人民爭取自治的鬥爭中,甘地很顯然是位關鍵人物與領袖。

A further million watched as the fire, following Indian custom, turned his body to ashes. - 數百萬人注視著緩慢的送葬隊伍抬著他的遺體通過首都。還有上百萬人看著將他的遺體按印度習慣火化成骨灰。

Three million people watched as the ashes of this great man were gently poured into the brown waters of the river that would carry them to the ocean. - 還有300萬人守望著這位偉人的骨灰緩緩撒入褐以的恆河,河水把他的骨灰送向大海。

And she's left about $4 million in her will to her husband's daughter by his first marriage. - 而她在其遺囑中將大約400萬美元留給她丈夫第一次結婚所生的女兒。


mega electron volt; megaelectron-volt mev; megaelectronvolt; million electron volt; million-electron volt - 兆電子伏


n.百萬分率 - parts per million


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