self-defeating[,selfdi'fi:tiŋ]adj. 弄巧成拙的;不利於自己的企圖的
self-defeating 弄巧成拙的;自我挫敗;自我擊敗;自我推翻;self-defeating humor 型幽默;self-defeating behavior 自我挫敗行為;self-defeating personality 釋義:自我挫敗型人格;Self-defeating personality trait 釋義:自我打擊的人格特性;
1.The prolongation of life and the search for perfect health are inherently self-defeating. 生命的延長與追求完美的健康往往自然地被自我破壞掉。
2.They worked to keep their markets open, rather than retreating into self-defeating measures of discrimination and protection. 他們致力於繼續開放市場,而不是退回到自我擊敗的歧視和保護措施中去。
3.The idea that power was an end in itself, rather than a means to provide the security and opportunity necessary for the pursuit of happiness, seemed to him stupid and self-defeating. 有人認為權勢就是其本身的目的,而不是為追求幸福提供所必需的保障與機會,這種想法在他看來是十分愚蠢與不值一駁的。