bathurstn. 巴瑟斯特(澳大利亞新南威爾士州城市)
Bathurst 巴瑟斯特;斯特;巴瑟斯特市;巴佛士街;Bathurst St 巴佛士街;Bathurst Island 巴瑟斯特島;Bathurst Street 巴佛士街;巴瑟斯特街;巴特士街;Bathurst Burr 巴瑟斯特蒼耳;
1.Daniel Dibley, 17, needed a partner for the school dance in the Australian country town of Bathurst, west of Sydney, he decided to aim high. 在澳大利亞西部小鎮巴塞斯特,17歲的丹尼爾·迪布利需要一名舞伴陪他參加學校的舞會,最後他為自己定下了很高的目標。
2.idn't want you guys to think I didn't want to come to Bathurst, or I didn't want come to the formal (dance), " Hawkins, now a television presenter, told the school assembly." 目前已成為一名電視節目主持人的霍金斯對同學們說:「我希望大家不要覺得是我不願意陪迪布利參加舞會或者是我不願意出席舞會。」
3.In 1809, Sir Benjamin Bathurst, Britain's envoy to the court of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Vienna, helped rebuild the alliance between Britain and Austria against Napoleon. 一八○九年,本傑明.巴瑟斯特爵士代表英國出使,到維也納奧匈帝國朝廷,協助重建英國奧地利聯盟,對抗拿破侖。