sub-track 子軌道;SUB-RAIL TRACK BED 軌下基礎;
1.x * Supplier uses a LRR process to track and assess its sub-suppliers. 供應商使用投產準備就緒審查(LRR)程序來追蹤及評估其外包商。
2.At that time, he just got in the Monza track of the sub-station gp2 champion. 那個時候,他才剛剛在蒙扎賽道拿到gp2的分站冠軍。
3.The sub-system is designed to track target in real time in complex background and provide the firing control system with important target status information. 該子系統用於複雜背景條件下運動目標的實時跟蹤,進而為火控系統提供重要的目標狀態信息。