summing-up['sʌmiŋ'ʌp]n. 總結;評估;證據的概述
summing-up 總結;結案陳詞;結論;The summing-up 結... [顯示全部;summing-up meeting 總結會;Summing-up on Teaching 寫課堂小結;conclusion summing-up ultimateness verdict 結論;
1.Base on the summing-up of dominating ways of network security evaluating, introducing each one's contents and fit conditions. 在對現今較主流的網絡安全評估方法總結的基礎上,分別介紹了各種評估方法的評估內容和適用環境;
2.Involving design review, concept discussion, technical clarification, acceptance and assessment after startup of improvement project, as well as technical summing-up. 參加有關技措項目的設計會審、方案討論、技術交底、竣工驗收及投用後的鑒定、評價和技術總結工作。
3.Then, have a responsible Party cadre who enjoys prestige make a summing-up speech that is both analytical and convincing to effect a complete change in the atmosphere. 然後,由較有威信的黨的負責人作一個有分析有說服力的總結性演說,將空氣完全轉變過來。