Subpar 次平值;低於預期水平;低於標準的;在票面價值以下的;subpar performance 低於標準的性能;subpar performance 低於標準的性能;
1.There's been a couple [subpar] games … but it's not like earlier in the season. 只有兩場比賽的發揮有些失常…但那不像賽季初一樣。
2.Though the take-rate for that option was high, owners complained of subpar space and comfort. 雖然接管率高的辦法是,業主投訴的51。3空間和舒適。
3.Despite a subpar defensive effort in their last game, the Los Angeles Lakers picked up another win. 在上一場比賽中,儘管湖人的防守不上檔次,洛杉磯湖人還是再一次獲得了勝利。
4.And poor sleep has been linked to subpar performance in school, and to depression, obesity, and other health problems. 缺少睡眠會導致在學校表現欠佳 。沮喪,肥胖及其它一些健康問題 。
5.The economy is on course to post four straight quarters of annualized economic growth below 2%, the longest stretch of subpar growth since the 2001 recession. 美國經濟折合成年率的增長率或將連續四個季度低於2%,這將是自2001年經濟衰退以來連續低於平均增長速度最長的一次。