





n. organ transplant ,transplant ,transplanting


transplantationn. 移植;遷移;移民


transplantation 移植;遷移;移植手術;移植術;organ transplantation 器官移植;器官移植術;李伯璋醫師;釋義:器官移植;transplantation scissors 移植剪;釋義:移植剪;transplantation immunity 移植免疫;釋義:移植免疫,移植免疫性;hand transplantation 手移植手術;手移植;


1.Cord blood transplantation is not without risks, however. 然而,臍帶血移植也不是毫無風險。

2.Objective To evaluate the status of hepatic graft in orthotopic liver transplantation. 目的評價原位肝移植術後早期移植肝的功能狀況。

3.Chemotherapy ; Peripheral Blood Stem Cell ; Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation ; Bone Marrow Transplantation ; Stem Cell. 化學治療;周邊血液干細胞;周邊血液干細胞移植;骨髓移植;干細胞。


uterine transplantation of ovary - 卵巢子宮接種術

microneurovascular transplantation of ovary - 卵巢顯微神經血管移植術

transplantation of ovary - 卵巢移植術

transplantation of composite free flap - 復合游離瓣移植術

transplantation of greater omentum - 大網膜移植

transplantation of great saphenous vein - 大隱靜脈移植

transplantation of endometrium - 子宮內膜移植術

cardiac transplantation; transplantation of heart - 心臟移植

isoimmunization against transplantation antigen - 抗移植物抗原的同種免疫

transplantation of free skin graft - 游離皮片移植

transplantation of parathyroid - 甲狀旁腺移植

transplantation of dermis fat flap - 真皮脂肪瓣移植術

transplantation immunity - 移植免疫

transplantation immunology - 移植免疫學

transplantation immunity - 移植免疫性

transplantation society - 移植學會

transplantation metastasis - 移植性轉移

transplantation antigen - 移植抗原

transplantation of tubular skin flap - 管狀皮瓣移植術

transplantation of mucosal flap - 粘膜瓣移植術

transplantation of muscle flap - 肌瓣移植術

tendon transplantation forceps - 肌腱移植鉗

transplantation of intestinal segment - 腸段移植

tumor specific transplantation antigen; tumor-specific transplantation antigen - 腫瘤特異性移植抗原

tumor associated transplantation antigen - 腫瘤相關移植抗原

transplantation of adrenal gland - 腎上腺移植術

renal transplantation kidney transplantation - 腎移植

microneurovascular transplantation of pancreas - 胰顯徽神經血管移植術

transplantation of pancreas - 胰移植

transplantation of fat - 脂肪移植

transplantation of parotid duct - 腮腺管移植術

transplantation of knee joint - 膝關節移植術

transplantation of toe - 趾移植

transplantation of the ureter - 輸尿管移植

transplantation bone marrow - 骨髓移植術


n.同種異基因骨髓移植 - allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

同種異體間移植 - allogeneic transplantation

n.同種異基因移植術 - allogenic transplantation

n.羊膜移植 - amnion transplantation

n.同體移植 - autoplastic transplantation

n.自體骨髓移植 - autologous bone marrow transplantation

n.骨髓移植 - bone marrow transplantation

骨移植 - bone transplantation

癌移植 - cancer transplantation

n.心臟移植 - cardiac transplantation

n.細胞移植 - cellular transplantation

n.角膜移植術 - corneal transplantation

n.真皮移植 - dermal transplantation

n.胚胎移植 - embryo transplantation

自家骨移植例 - example of own bone transplantation

n.面神經移植術 - facial nerve transplantation

n.膜-脂肪移植 - fasica-fat transplantation

n.手指肌腱移植術 - finger tendon transplantation

n.游離肌腱移植術 - free tendon transplantation

n.毛髮移植 - hair transplantation

心肺 - heart-lung transplantation

心臟移植 - heart transplantation

n.肝臟移植術 - hepatic transplantation

n.異種組織移植 - hetero-tissue transplantation

異種移植,異種移植術 - heteroplastic transplantation

n.異位移植 - heterotopic transplantation

n.同種角膜移植術 - homoplastic corneal transplantation

n.同種間移植,同種異體移植術 - homoplastic transplantation

n.同側移植 - homopleural transplantation

脾內移框睪丸腫脹 - intraspleen transplantation testis tumor

坐骨移植術 - islet transplantation

n.抗移植物抗原的同種免疫 - isoimmunization against transplantation antigen

腎移植,腎臟移植 - kidney transplantation

n.層間角膜移植 - lamellar cormeal transplantation

n.喉移植術 - laryngeal transplantation

肝臟移植 - liver transplantation

活體供給性肝移植 - liver transplantation from living donor

n.肺移值 - lung transplantation

n.卵巢顯微神經血管移植術 - microneurovascular transplantation of ovary

n.胰顯徽神經血管移植術 - microneurovascular transplantation of pancreas

n.粘膜移植 - mucosa transplantation

n.肌肉移植術 - muscle transplantation

n.神經蒂移植 - nerve pedicle transplantation

神經移植術 - nerve transplantation

n.核移植 - nuclear transplantation

n.器官移植 - organ transplantation

n.正位移植 - orthotopic transplantation

自顯指示劑 - ownbone marrow transplantation therapy

胰移植 - pancreas transplantation

促胰島素 - pancreatic islet transplantation

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