viedvt. 競爭
vied 被競爭的;Slovenska Akademia Podohospodarskych Vied 斯洛伐克農業科學院賀信;Youths of Five Tombs vied to tie her headdress 五陵年少爭纏頭;Vied birds are flying forward in the sky 比翼的舄兒展翅飛翔;
1.They vied with each other for the prize. 他們為了獎品而互相競爭。
2.Businesses vied with each other to attract customers. 各商行互相競爭以招攬顧客。
3.The fans, including teenagers, middle-aged and elderly people, vied with one another to put donations into a big red box, and then got a T-shirt as a souvenir from the hands of Li. 這些玉米包括十幾歲的青年,中年,老年人,他們爭先恐後的將捐贈品放入一個紅色的大盒子,同時從李宇春的手中得到一件T血,作為紀念。