kidnappingn. 綁架;誘拐v. 綁架(kidnap的ing形式);誘拐
kidnapping 綁架,綁票 綁架,綁票;綁架/綁票/劫持;綁架,綁票;綁票;A KIDNAPPING 綁票;fake kidnapping 假綁票;kidnapping case 綁架事件;Extreme Kidnapping 極限綁架;
1.Officials in Manatee County, Florida have issued an arrest warrant for a suspect wanted in the kidnapping of a teenager. 佛羅里達州蒙納提縣的官員們已發出逮捕令,追捕一個綁架了一名少年的嫌疑犯。
2.Kidnapping threatens the life and property of the nation, the collective and the individual, menaces seriously the social security and stability. 劫持人質犯罪對國家、集體、公民個人的生命財產危害極大,對杜會的公共安全和穩定威脅嚴重。
3.Anyway, the subject is War Crimes, which are the most serious of all crimes as they include murder, rape, torture, kidnapping and general aggression and lying. 無論如何,主題是戰爭罪——因為它們包括謀殺、強姦、折磨、綁架以及全面侵略和撒謊而是所有罪行中最嚴重的。