manito['mænitəu]n. (阿爾岡昆印地安人崇拜的)大神,神靈;超自然力;具有超自然力的事物
manito 自然神;大神;manito supernaturalism 超自然力;multichannel manito 釋義:多道監視器;jin jinn jinnee jinni manito manitou 神靈;
1.When the intensity wind which figured the existing of the manito blowed, the clouds of the thearchy was scattered. 表示大神存在的那片強烈氣息動盪一下,眾神腳下的五彩祥雲就盪開去了。
2.When the origin sound of all the glorification or execrative issued from the manito, Bodhisattva felt heavy shock. 這所有讚頌與詛咒的起始之聲,從大神口中發出時,菩薩心中感到了一種深刻的震盪。
3.Mazu is the Oceanic Protection Manito of China and has been canonized since Song Dynasty when the unique Mazu Culture of China came into being. 媽祖是中國的「海洋保護神」,從宋朝起,為歷朝所推崇,形成中國特有的媽祖文化。