mistreatmentn. 虐待
mistreatment 虐待;虐待頂一下;mistreatment by warming therapy 火逆;unbearable mistreatment incohabitation 不堪同居之虐待;mistreatment of prisoners 凌虐罪囚;offense of mistreatment of corpse 凌辱屍體罪;
1.B. If, upon return, the dog exhibits signs of mistreatment or illness due to owner neglect. 如果狗狗在退還後表現出不當對待或是因飼主疏忽而產生之疾病。
2.Nature has learned to tolerate great mistreatment as well as toxins over time and through generational mutation of DNA. 隨著時間的過去,自然界已學會去忍受大型虐待,比如毒素和世代變異的DNA。
3.Worker mistreatment should never be condoned in any civilised society and it certainly will not be condoned by the Government. 任何一個文明的社會都不能寬恕對工人進行虐待,當然政府也絕不會對其姑息。