rule against remoteness of vesting 反永久歸屬原則;rule against remoteness of vesting 反永久歸屬原則;Vesting 既得利益;特別保護權;既定享受退休金權利;保留退休金的權利;Partial vesting 部分受領權;valencia vesting 巴倫西亞背心;
1.Show calls for immediate vesting to achieve. 查看呼籲立即實現歸屬。
2.The long-term nature of real estate in-vesting requires it to be matched with stable, long-term cash flows. 房地產屬於長線投資,它要求投資者有穩定、長期的現金周轉能力。
3.In first part, vesting offer you and your sale to experience 8 or 10 work moth in ONE day. 在第一個部分,維樂商可以在1天內讓你的銷售團隊體驗8個月的銷售工作。