





comes['kɔmis]v. 來自;從…來(come的三單形式)n. 伴引血管;[天]伴星


comes 並行血管;協作式網絡測量系統;庫姆斯;來自;Comes Love 當愛來臨;當愛情來時;愛到來;愛情來了;Spring comes 春天來了;春回大地;小學英語作文:春天來了;英語作文:春天來了;Cuba comes 古巴來的;April Comes 另類搖滾;


1.Her mother comes from a small village on the Baltic Sea. 她母親出身在靠近波羅的海的一個小村子裡。

2.Sometimes that act comes tumbling down, occasionally in a ball of flame. 有時候,這種行為是翻滾而下,偶爾在一個球的火焰。

3.Capital comes dripping from head to foot, from every pore with blood and dirt. 資本來到世間,從頭到腳,每個毛孔都滴著血和骯髒的東西。


I'll have her call you as soon as she comes back. - 等她一回來, 我就請她馬上回電。

Fine. The bill comes to $ 300 even. - 好。賬單上總共是300元整。

No, thank you. Please tell him to phone me when he comes back. - 不了,謝謝。他回來時,請告訴他給我打個電話。

Now comes the good part. - 現在最精彩的部分來了。

Unbelievable. I've got to read her new book as soon as it comes out. - 真了不起。她的新書一出版我就得讀一讀。

All of this comes before eating. OK? - 這些都是在吃之前先得做的事 ,知道嗎?

If no one comes to claim Gemma, - 如果沒有人來認領Gemma,

Wait till Philip comes home and sees our progress. - 等著瞧Philip回來看到我們進展時的反應吧

I feel that no other car comes close as far as luxury and reliability are concerned. - 我覺得就豪華和可靠性而言,沒有其它汽車能與其媲美。

The real discussion comes tomorrow. - 明天才會正式商談。

When trouble comes your neighbors are the ones who will be there. - 鄰居在你有困難的時候會幫助你。

My mother doesn't mind who comes to stay, she's very easy-going. - 我母親不在乎有什麼人來往,她十分隨和。

Especially when it comes to speaking in English and fortunately or unfortunately. - 特別是要用英文來演講,不知是幸運還是不幸。

Mr. Ken Robert comes to us from the University of Kentucky where he is majoring in economics. - 羅伯特.金先生來自肯塔基大學,主修經濟學。

Miss Judy Levine comes from the University of Wisconsin. - 朱迪.萊雯小姐來自威斯康星大學。

I'll let you know if anything comes up. - 如果發生了什麼事,我會讓你知道。

He comes bothering me day after day. - 他每天都跑來打擾我。

The postman always comes at 2 o'clock. - 郵遞員總是在2點鐘來。

He always comes rushing up at the last moment. - 他往往到最後的一瞬間才急忙趕來。

Christmas comes but once a year. - 佳節良辰,機會難得。

Death when it comes will have no denial. - 死亡來臨時,無可抗拒之。

I would prefer if he comes here. - 我倒願意他去我們那裡。

A rainbow comes into sight. - 彩虹出現了!

Uh-oh, here comes my boy friend, he's insanely jealous. - 噢,我男朋友過來啦,他可是個大醋罈子呦。

New year's Eve comes one week after Christmas. - 新年夜在聖誕節的一周後到來。

In his work, Albert comes in touch with many beautiful objects. - 在工作上,阿爾博特會接觸到許多美麗的事物。

On a crowded train, one comes in contact with many people. - 在擁擠的火車裡面,會和許多人接觸。

I told him to stay till he comes back. - 我告訴他留下來等他回來。

No matter what comes up, don't look back. - 不論發生什麼事情,你也不要回頭看。

No matter what comes up, don't mention my name. - 不論發生什麼事,你也不要提到我的名字。

No matter what comes up, don't sound nervous. - 不論發生什麼事情,你也不要顯得緊張。

A fool always comes short of his reckoning. - 愚人常缺算計。

A wise man will make tools of what comes to hand. - 聰明的人能隨機應變。

After dinner comes the reckoning. - 吃喝玩樂,該付代價。

All is fish that comes to his net. - 到了網中都是魚;只要到手全都要。

All is fish that comes to one's net. - 捉到網裡都是魚。

All is flour that comes to his mill. - 到他的磨裡都能碾成粉。

All's fish that comes to his net. - 到了網中都是魚。

Appetite comes with eating. - 食慾越吃越旺。

Behind bad luck comes good luck. - 塞翁失馬,焉知非福。

Dexterity comes by experience. - 熟練來自經驗。

Everything comes to him who waits. - 安心等待必有好處。

Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches. - 罪惡來時,尺進寸退。

Fasting comes after feasting. - 今日有酒今日醉,明日無錢不揭鍋。

From hearing comes wisdom; from speaking, repentance. - 多聽增智慧,多言生後悔。

From saving comes having. - 富有來自節約。

From the father comes honour; from the mother, comfort. - 榮譽由父次,安慰由母與。

Good counsel never comes amiss. - 忠言有利無害。

Good counsel never comes too late. - 忠言絕不嫌遲。

Hang up one's fiddle when one comes home. - 在外談笑風生,在家悶悶不樂。

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