Nairobin. 內羅比(肯尼亞首都)
Nairobi 內羅華;奈羅比;奈洛比;內羅比;Nairobi Framework 內羅畢框架;NAIROBI NBO 內羅畢;NAIROBI AIRPORT 奈洛比機場 肯尼亞 NAI;Hilton Nairobi 希爾頓內羅畢酒店;
1.From the countries of the war-ravaged Great Lakes region, such as Congo and Rwanda, Nairobi appears an oasis of calm. 與飽受戰亂之苦的剛果和盧旺達等大湖地區國家相比,內羅畢似乎是一片平靜的綠洲。
2.His blog is not more than a month old, something he started after attending a workshop on blogging and social networks in Nairobi. 他的部落格才剛開始不到一個月,是在奈洛比參加一個部落格和社交網路工作坊之後建立的。
3.In the wild land of Nairobi, Kenya, Ngong House waits for adventurous guests. After leaving the danger of jungle safaris, visitors can stay in the comfort of . . . the trees? 在肯亞的奈洛比荒原中,那貢旅館靜待具有冒險精神的賓客入住。離開叢林探險的險境之後,訪客可以盡情享受舒適的……樹木?