nanaimon. 納奈莫(加拿大西南部港市)
Nanaimo 納奈莫;乃磨;乃磨市;QQ飛行島;Nanaimo Airport 納奈莫機場;Ramada Nanaimo 華美達納奈莫酒店;Nanaimo Group 納奈莫界群;Nanaimo Street 納奈莫街;
1.Both plants were staffed by large numbers of Chinese workers and helped establish sizeable Chinese community in Nanaimo's downtown core. 兩個廠僱傭了大量的華工,幫助在南奈莫城中心建立了一個很大的華人社區。
2.The demand for salted herring in china, in conjunction with huge catches being brought in by the fishing fleet, spurred Yip Sang to build a fish packing plant in Nanaimo. 對中國鹹鯡魚的大量需求,再加上漁船船隊帶回來的巨大捕獲量,促使阿壽在南奈莫建立了魚片加工廠。
3.Warm Tip: Dear friends, visitors, the ancient city of Beijing over Chinese air flights to Nanaimo is the latest company to launch the special tickets, a limited number, MISS. 溫馨提示:尊敬的旅客朋友,以上中國古城北京到納奈莫機票航班是本公司最新推出的特價機票,數量有限,欲購從速。