n. oporto
porton. 波爾圖(葡萄牙港口)
Porto 波爾圖;波爾托;港口;港口港口港口;PORTO ALEGRE 阿雷格裡港;軒格裡港;愉港市;快樂港;FC Porto 波爾圖;波爾圖隊;波爾圖 (葡萄牙);波圖;Porto Salazar 薩拉薩爾港;薩拉薩爾港(安哥拉);Porto Praia 普拉亞;普拉亞(佛得角);
1.History and tradition don't count when a team has your number and I could see from the first round that Porto had United's number. 歷史和傳統並不能給一支球隊帶來什麼,而且在淘汰賽第一循環的時候,波爾圖的表現就已經在曼聯之上了。
2.Porto is a team with tradition in European football and is a team with ambition so they deserve respect from us and they will have it. 波爾圖是歐洲的一直傳統球隊,是一支有野心的球隊,所以我們應該尊重他們,他們也得到了。
3.He is experienced and every week since leaving Porto, he was playing regularly in the top division. He has qualified for the UEFA Cup twice so has European experience. 他經驗豐富,自從離開波爾圖後,他一直在葡萄牙頂級聯賽中踢球。他曾兩次獲得歐足聯的獎盃,他有充足的歐戰經驗。