sheernessn. 透迷;透明薄織物
sheerness 透迷;希爾內斯(英國);布透明度;梅德韋港;
1.Sanitize the hand &nail plate and sculpt an overlay smile line using ultra white powder, create a C-curve looking nail plate with pink powder for sheerness. 先將手及指甲消毒清潔,把水晶白粉塗在真甲上,形成微笑線,然後再塗上透明的粉紅粉去使扁平的指甲增加弧度。
2.Although some of the sheerness can be layered away (especially in the blouse area where a rami does the trick) other see-through spots were in the legs of pants and skirts. 雖然有的透明部分可以用疊穿法掩護(尤其是上身,可用吊帶打底),但仍有一些透視區是在褲腿和裙擺上的。
3.Fantasy made real is the undercurrent of this Trend Vision, as the transparency and sheerness of its shimmering pastel blonde hues combine hyper-modernity with a delicate innocence. 「詩意科技」用柔和的淡金色彩融合了超現代與純真,將這次的趨勢微妙地展現了出來。