





n. blank ,blank space ,distance ,infinite


Space[speis]n. 空間;太空;距離vi. 留間隔vt. 隔開


space 空間;空格鍵;間隙,空間效果;空格;receiving space 收貨區;收穫區;outer space 外層空間;外太空;太空;宇宙空間;working space 工作空間;工作場所;工漬間;暫時存儲器;Space Wagon 太空車;三菱菱紳;汽車雜誌 - 無;

Space的參考例句 space a city into 5 postal districts 把城市劃分為五個郵政區

2.I like to watch TV shows about space and spaceships. 我喜歡看關於空間和太空船的電視節目。

3.Three enemy fighter have followed us out of the space fold. 三架敵人戰鬥機已經跟隨我們跳出空間折疊。


They can build a space craft and send it to the edges of our very solar system. - 他們能製出航空飛船並將其發送到太陽系的邊緣。

The private lives of celebrities take up more magazine space than world news. - 名人的私生活在雜誌上佔的版面比國際新聞還要多。

Exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind. - 探索外層空間是一項向人類發出的挑戰。

The man is a space scientist. - 這個人是太空科學家。

At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. - 這會兒,書把地板的每一點空隙都佔據了,我實際上是踩著這些書進出房間的。

The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars. - 哈勃望遠鏡於1990年4月20日由國家航空航天局發射升空,耗資10多億美元。

he realizes its volume, as the space that the shape displaces in the air. - 他能意識到物體的體積,那就是它的形狀在空氣中所佔的空間。

Moondwellers will be able to fly in space at only three percent of the cost of similar journeys by their terrestrial cousins. - 月球居民在太空遨遊的費用僅是地球上朋友飛越同樣路所需費用的3%。

why have we had no visitors from outer space yet? - 那麼我們為什麼還未見到外層空間來訪的客人呢?

It is the natural frequency of emission of the hydrogen atoms in space and was discovered by us in 1951; - 這個頻率是空間氫原子釋放的自然頻率,是在1951年被人類發現的。

The man who manoeuvres carelessly into his five shillings worth of space ,at one of Europe's myriad permanent sites may find himself bumping a Bentley. - 如果一位遊客漫不經心地駕車駛入歐洲無數常年營地之一,花20鎊租用一個空位,那麼他可能會碰見一輛本特利汽車,

We don't have space in the warehouse for it. - 我們倉庫沒有空位了。

When we talk about the universe, we mean the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space between them. - 人們談論宇宙時,是指地球、太陽、月亮、星星以及它們存在的空間。

Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries. - 許多國家都成功地把人造衛星送入了太空。

Thanks to space satellites, the world itself is becoming a much smaller place and people from different countries now understand each other better. - 由於有了宇宙衛星,世界在變得小多了,來自不同國家的人現在彼此更瞭解了。

It's all about space and satellites. - 全是有關宇宙和衛星的。

There is space for summer picnics, open-air concerts, plays and games. - 這兒有空曠的地方,供作夏日野餐、露天音樂會、各種娛樂和競賽之用。

Living in a country with plenty of space and a good climate, New Zealanders love all kinds of sport. - 由於生活在一個幅員遼闊而氣候宜人的國家裡,新西蘭人熱愛各種各樣的運動。


space occupyinglesion; space-occupying lesion; spaceoccupyinglesion - 佔位性疾病

sol; space occupying lesion; space occupyinglesion; space-occupying lesion; spaceoccupyinglesion - 佔位性病變

space occupying disease of mediastinal cavity - 佔位性縱隔病變

space occupyong lesion - 佔位病變

space occupying sign - 佔位症狀

double space counting chamber - 雙室型血細胞計數板

masseteric space infection - 嚼肌間隙感染

space nedicine - 外層空間醫學

large space between muscles - 大谷

astrobiology; space biology; spacebiology - 天體生物學

space medicine - 宇宙醫學

space laboratory; spacelab - 宇宙實驗室

space lifeboat - 宇宙救生船

space traveler - 宇宙旅行者

space suit - 宇宙服

astrobiology; cosmobiology; exobiology; space biology; spacebiology - 宇宙生物學

aeerospace sickness; aerospace disease; space sicdkness - 宇宙病

cosmic radiation; space radiation - 宇宙輻射

aerospacecraft; space vehicle; spaceship - 宇宙飛船

space flight; space travel - 宇宙飛行

space sickness - 宇航病

petrosphenoidal space syndrome - 巖蝶間隙綜合征

midpalmar space infection - 掌中間隙感染

functional space maintainer - 機能性間隙保持器

free gas space in column - 柱中游離氣體空間

dead cavity volume tidal voleu; dead space to tidal volume rat; dead space to tidal volume rat死腔與潮氣量比率 - 死腔與潮氣量比率

dead space like ventilation - 死腔樣通氣

increased dead space volume - 死腔氣量增加

dead space volume - 死腔通氣量

bioiogical space probe - 生物宇宙探測器

biological space probe - 生物宇航學

biological space probe - 生物宇航探索

disturbance of space sense - 空距失判征

space allocation; spaceallocation - 空間分配

space medicine - 空間醫學

n. space principle - 空間原理

n. space principle - 空間填充原則

space allocation; spaceallocation - 空間定位

space orientation; spatal orirntation - 空間定向

space laboratory; spacelab - 空間實驗室

space technology - 空間技術

space lattice; special lattice; speciallattice - 空間點陣

space station - 空間站

space group; spacegroup; n. space group - 空間群

space sense - 空間覺

space lattice - 立體晶格

space mokel; stereomodel - 立體模型

space polymer - 立體聚合物

pterygomandibular space infection - 翼突下頜間隙感染

space of fassa pterygopalatina - 翼顎凹間隙


n.直腸後間隙膿腫 - abscess of retrorectal space

氣腔,氣室 - air space

肺泡死腔 - alveolar dead space

n.肺泡死腔量 - alveolar dead space capacity

肺泡腔 - alveolar space

解剖學死腔,解剖死腔 - anatomical dead space

n.蛛網膜下池 - arachnoid space

n.生物宇宙探測器 - bioiogical space probe

n.生物宇航探索,生物宇航學 - biological space probe

n.嚼肌間隙蜂窩織炎 - cellulitis of masseteric space

n.翼頜間隙蜂窩組織炎 - cellulitis of pterygomandibular space

n.舌下間隙蜂窩織炎 - cellulitis of sublingual space

n.頭隙 - cephalic space

n.絨膜-蛻膜間隙 - chorio-decidual space

n.關閉牙間隙 - closing dental space

n.關閉牙間隙 - colsure of interdental space

n.補充隙 - complemental space

n.復向量空間 - complex vector space

n.克重克斯暗區 - crookes space

n.死角,死區 - dead space

死腔效應 - dead space effect

n.死腔樣通氣 - dead space like ventilation

n.死腔與潮氣量比率 - dead space to tidal volume rat

n.死腔與潮氣量比率 - dead space to tidal volume rat死腔與潮氣量比率

n.死腔通氣量 - dead space volume

無效區,死腔 - death space

n.會陰深隙 - deep perineal space

托牙空隙,義齒空隙 - denture space

n.空距失判征 - disturbance of space sense

n.雙室型血細胞計數板 - double space counting chamber

n.膀胱周圍間隙引流術 - drainage of perivesical space

內淋巴腔 - endolymphatic space

硬膜外腔 - epidural space

n.鞏膜上腔,鞏膜外隙腔 - episcleral space

n.血管外間隙 - extra vascular space

細胞外間隙 - extracellular space

n.細胞外間隙 - extracelular space

腹膜外腔 - extraperitoneal space

n.筋膜間隙 - fascial space

n.居室面積 - floor space

n.方氏腔 - fontanas space

n.柱中游離氣體空間 - free gas space in column

機能性死腔,功能性死腔 - functional dead space

n.機能性間隙保持器 - functional space maintainer

n.心後間隙 - holzknechts space

n.腹膜後隙切開引流術 - incision and dranage of retroperitoneal space

n.手部魚際間隙感染,掌間隙感染 - infection of thenar space

n.死腔氣量增加 - increased dead space volume

骨盆死腔炎 - inflammation of pelvic dead space

n.眶下間隙 - infraorbital space

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