ECCabbr. 糾錯碼(Error Correction Code)
ECC 糾錯碼;心血管急救;Error Correction Code;error correcting code;ECC EmbeddedControlChannel 嵌入式控制信道;ECC ElectronicCalibrationCenter 電子校準中心;ECC EnterpriseCallCenters 企業調用中心;ECC ErrorCorrectionControl 糾錯控制;
1.The multi-scalar multiplication with two scalars is the most time consuming operations in elliptic curve cryptography(ECC). 在現代密碼系統中使用橢圓曲線密碼(ECC)最頻繁的一種方法是多點乘算法。
2.This paper analyzes the mathematic principle of ECC and its security, and puts forward the advantages of ECC arithmetic in digital signature domain. 文章對ECC算法的數學原理、安全性能進行了分析,指出了ECC算法在數字簽名領域應用的優點。
3."Tomorrow morning the IEC (Independent Election Commission) and ECC will meet together to establish a procedure to implement the decision, " he said. 獨立選委會和選舉投訴委員會明天早晨將舉行會晤,確立施行這項決定的程序。