haemorheology 血液齡學;血液流變學;
1.Methods:We investigated haemorheology and subungual microcirculation in 60 individuals with abnormal lipoproteins compared with 32 normal lipoproteins controls. 方法:選取我院幹部體檢中無重要臟器疾病的異常脂蛋白血症病例60例,對照組32例,分別檢查血液流變學、甲襞微循環。
2.Conclusion: Binghuang xiaozhong zhetong recipe can reduce the blood viscosity. effectively It also can improve haemorheology target and speed up the organization to repair. 結論:冰黃消腫鎮痛劑能有效降低實驗動物的血液粘度,改善血液流變學指標,加快組織修復。
3.The studying targets involved in tissue shape, haemorheology, molecular basis, sero-immunity, bleeding and clotting mechanism, biochemical mediator, microelement, correlation factor of BVE. 研究指標包括組織形態、液流變、子基礎、清免疫學、血凝血機制、化介質、量元素、管內皮相關因子以及鎮痛等。