ptmabbr. 相時調製(Phase Time Modulation);北極星戰術導彈(Polaris Tactical Missile);程序故障備忘錄(Program Trouble Memoranda);脈衝時間調製(Pulse Time Modulation)
PTM Porsche Traction Management;保時捷牽引力控制管理系統;翻譯後修飾;牽引力控制管理系統;PTM PulseTimeModulation 脈衝時間調製;PTM PerformanceTechnicMemorandum 技術性能備忘錄;PTM ProgrammableTimerModule 可編程定時器模塊;PTM PublicTeLeXAccessUnit 公共電傳接入單元;
1.The process discussed below is the PTM, or Phase Transition Mastering. 下面討論的生產過程是PTM,即相變母版生產。
2.Moreover, by constructing the PURM programs, we get the sufficient conditions for a random function that can be simulated by PURM program or PTM. 基於對PURM程序的構造,我們給出了隨機函數可被PURM程序或可計算的PTM模擬的充分條件。
3.In order to ensure the precise control, CTS-V from the racing technology, the first to use high-performance car-level traction control system PTM. 為保證操控的精準,CTS-V借鑒了賽車技術,率先運用賽車級高性能牽引力控制系統PTM。