KOH-I-NOOR 酷喜樂;光之山;捷克;光明之山;
1.Current Status: Many lay claim to the Koh-i-Noor, including the Taliban, who trace its origin in India through Afghanistan in ancient days. 目前情況:很多人對寶石做出主張,甚至包括塔利班,他們甚至將寶石的來源追溯到古阿富汗到古印度。
2.The jewel may have passed through hands and nations for as many as 5000 years — some think ancient Mesopotamian texts make reference to the Koh-i-Noor as early as 3200 B. C. 這顆寶石可能在不同人,不同國家之間流落了五千年之久了,因為有些人認為古美索不達米亞早在公元前3200就有了關於寶石的記載。