skull[skʌl]n. 頭蓋骨,腦殼
skull 顱骨,頭蓋骨;頭顱;顱骨;頭骨;skull trephine 頭顱環鑽;皇冠鑽;釋義:顱骨環鑽,皇冠鑽;Bloodlord Skull 血王之骨;bony skull 骨顱;Crystal Skull 水晶頭骨;水晶骷髏;水晶人頭骨;水晶頭顱;
1.Guide: That is the skull of Julius Caesar. 導遊:那是朱利葉斯凱撒的頭蓋骨。
2.You can break a man's skull. You can arrest him. You can throw him into a dungeon. But how do you fight an idea? 妳可以擊碎一個男人的腦殼,可以逮捕他,甚至可以把他關進地牢。但妳如何能夠控制他的思想?又如何打敗它?
3.You can break a man/'s skull. You can arrest him. You can throw him into a dungeon. But how do you fight an idea? 你可以擊碎一個男人的腦殼,可以逮捕他,甚至可以把他關進地牢。但你如何能夠控制他的思想?又如何打敗它?
n. skull melting process - 凝殼熔煉法
skull clamp pin - 頭顱夾針
skull traction tongs - 頭顱牽引鉗
skull fossil - 頭骨化石
hand cranal drill; hand skull drill - 手搖顱骨鑽
n. skull melting process - 渣殼熔煉法
n. skull cracker - 渣殼破碎機
n. skull melting process - 熔渣法
skull trephine - 皇冠鑽
n. skull cracker - 落錘破碎機
basal skull drill - 顱底鑽
calvaria; calvarium; skull cap - 顱頂
skull traction with icetongs - 顱骨冰鉗牽引
skull punch - 顱骨打孔器
skull fracture - 顱骨折
skull trauma - 顱骨損傷
skull elevater - 顱骨撬開器
skull plate screw driver - 顱骨板螺絲旋鑿
skull plate screw - 顱骨板螺釘
skull traction tongs - 顱骨牽引鉗
fusion of skull suture - 顱骨肥厚的
skull elevator - 顱骨起子
skull forceps - 顱骨鉗
skull periosteum elevator - 顱骨骨膜剝離器
air skull drill - 風動顱骨鑽
n.風動顱骨鑽 - air skull drill
n.顱底鑽 - basal skull drill
基底部顱骨骨折 - basal skull fracture
顱骨基底 - base of skull
閉鎖性顱骨骨折 - closed skull fracture
苜蓿葉形腦,分葉狀顱 - cloverleaf skull
分葉狀顱綜合症 - cloverleaf skull syndrome
n.粉碎性顱骨骨折 - comminuted fracture of skull
顱骨粉碎骨折 - comminuted skull fracture
n.開放性顱骨骨折 - compoud fracture of skull
n.先天性顱畸形 - congenital deformity of skull
n.凹陷性顱骨骨折 - depressed fracture of skull
下陷性顱骨骨折 - depressed skull fracture
分離性顱骨骨折 - diastatic skull fracture
n.顱骨嗜酸性肉芽腫 - eosinophilic granuloma of skull
壓出性顱骨骨折 - expressed skull fracture
n.顱骨骨折 - fracture of skull
顱骨穹窿部骨折,頭蓋骨穹隆部骨折 - fracture of vault of skull
n.顱骨肥厚的 - fusion of skull suture
n.手搖顱骨鑽 - hand skull drill
顱凹,陷窩顱 - lacunar skull
側面顱骨X線片 - lateral skull roentgenogram
線形顱骨骨折,線性顱骨骨折 - linear skull fracture
n.解顱 - loose skull
地圖狀頭蓋骨 - map-like skull
開放性顱骨骨折 - open skull fracture
n.顱骨骨髓炎 - osteomyelitis of skull
顱骨外板 - outer table of skull
n.頭顱後前位術 - posterio-anterior radography of skull
n.尖顱 - steeple skull
星狀顱骨骨折 - stellate skull fracture
n.尖顱 - tower skull
n.顱骨腫瘤 - tumor of skull