LECabbr. 光能轉換器(Light Energy Converter);液相洗脫色譜法(Liquid Elution Chromatography)
LEC 法律英語證書;紅斑狼瘡細胞檢查;液封直拉法;紅斑狼瘡細胞;LEC LocalExchangeCarrier 本地交換機運營商;LEC LocalExchangeChannel 本地交換信道;LEC LANEmulationClient 局域網仿真客戶(機);Lec Bionicle 樂高荒島探險;
1.Each LEC is a member of only one emulated LAN. 每個LEC僅為一個仿真局域網的成員。
2.IT is suitable for the scientific research department in medical health, biology, chemistry, agriculture lec. And is an necessary specialized equipment for thermostatic culture. 適用於醫療衛生,醫藥,生物,化學,農業科學等科研部門進行恆溫培養必須的專業設備。
3.The concept of each parameter in the LEC method is more misty, so that evaluation personnel comprehension disunity, assess cent value differ very far, hardly acquire an objective result. 作業條件危險性評價法(LEC法)中各參數的概念較模糊,評價人員對其概念理解不統一,打分取值相差甚遠,很難得出較客觀的結果。