





n. bone marrow ,core ,marrow squash ,vegetable marrow


marrow['mærəu]n. 髓,骨髓;精華;活力


marrow 嫩葫蘆;西葫蘆;髓(尤指骨髓);骨髓;marrow puncture 骨髓穿剌;fat marrow 脂肪骨髓;釋義:脂肪骨髓;marrow squash 西葫蘆;食用葫蘆;食用西葫蘆;MARROW BABY 夜開花;茭瓜;


1.Look at their bone marrow. 看一看他們的骨髓。

2.Inflammation of bone and bone marrow. '骨髓炎'。''骨和骨髓的炎症。

3.Marrow is the spongy tissue where blood cell development takes place. 骨髓是一種海綿狀組織,是血細胞發育的場所。


primary bone marrow cavity - 初級骨髓腔

allogeneic bone marrow transplantation - 同種異基因骨髓移植

autologous bone marrow transplantation - 自體骨髓移植

anemic marrow picture - 貧血骨髓像

bone marrow derived cell - 骨髓產生細胞

marrow reservoir - 骨髓儲備池

bone marrow necrosis - 骨髓壞死

bone marrow acute radiation disease - 骨髓型急性放射病

bone marrow death - 骨髓型死亡

bone marrow syndrome - 骨髓型綜合征

bone marrow culture - 骨髓培養

bone marrow inhibitor; bonemarrowinhibitor - 骨髓抑制性藥物

bone marrow index - 骨髓指數

bone marrow imaging - 骨髓顯像

bone marrow embolism - 骨髓栓塞

bone marrow death - 骨髓死亡

bone marrow biopsy - 骨髓活體組織檢查

bone marrow smear; bonemarrowsmear - 骨髓塗片

examination of bone marrow smear - 骨髓塗片檢查

bone marrow smear; bonemarrowsmear - 骨髓液塗片

bone marrow failure; bone marrow grafting; bone marrow transplant; bone marrow transplantation - 骨髓移植

marrow trocar - 骨髓穿刺套管針

bone marrow puncture - 骨髓穿刺術

bone marrow biopsy - 骨髓穿刺活組織檢查

bone marrow smear; bonemarrowsmear - 骨髓穿刺塗片

marrow puncture needle - 骨髓穿刺釷

bone marrow cell; myeloid cell - 骨髓細胞

cavum medullare ossium; marrow cavity; medullary cavity of bones - 骨髓腔

intramedullary nailing; marrow nailing - 骨髓腔內插釘術

bone marrow deletion - 骨髓衰竭

bone marrow infusion - 骨髓輸注

bone marrow transfusion - 骨髓輸血法

marrow reconstitution - 骨髓重建

marrow iron - 骨髓鐵

marrow iron turnover - 骨髓鐵轉換

marrow cavity; medullary cavity; pulp chamber; the nerve cavity - 髓腔


n.同種異基因骨髓移植 - allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

n.貧血骨髓像 - anemic marrow picture

n.骨髓抑制 - arrest of bone marrow

骨髓發育不全 - aplastic bone marrow

n.自體骨髓移植 - autologous bone marrow transplantation

n.黑髓 - black marrow

n.骨髓,骨髓克隆形成單位 - bone marrow

n.骨髓型急性放射病 - bone marrow acute radiation disease

骨髓穿刺液 - bone marrow aspirate

n.骨髓穿刺活組織檢查,骨髓活體組織檢查 - bone marrow biopsy

骨髓腔 - bone marrow cavity

n.骨髓細胞 - bone marrow cell

n.骨髓培養 - bone marrow culture

n.骨髓死亡,骨髓型死亡 - bone marrow death

n.骨髓衰竭 - bone marrow deletion

n.骨髓產生細胞,B細胞 - bone marrow derived cell

骨髓病 - bone marrow disease

骨髓供體掛號處 - bone marrow donor registry

骨髓量 - bone marrow dose

n.X射線診斷的骨髓劑量 - bone marrow doses from diagnostic x-rays

n.骨髓栓塞 - bone marrow embolism

骨髓移植 - bone marrow engraftment

骨髓檢查 - bone marrow examination

n.骨髓移植 - bone marrow failure

骨髓機能測試 - bone marrow function test

n.骨髓移植 - bone marrow grafting

n.骨髓顯像 - bone marrow imaging

n.骨髓指數 - bone marrow index

n.骨髓輸注 - bone marrow infusion

n.骨髓抑制性藥物 - bone marrow inhibitor

n.骨髓壞死 - bone marrow necrosis

骨髓穿刺針 - bone marrow needle

骨髓形成異常綜合症 - bone marrow neoplastic abnormality syndrome

骨髓保護 - bone marrow protection

n.骨髓穿刺術 - bone marrow puncture

n.骨髓穿刺塗片,骨髓塗片 - bone marrow smear

n.骨髓型綜合征 - bone marrow syndrome

骨髓毒性 - bone marrow toxicity

n.骨髓輸血法 - bone marrow transfusion

n.骨髓移植 - bone marrow transplant

n.骨髓移植 - bone marrow transplantation

n.骨髓克隆形成單位 - colony forming units, bone marrow

n.骨髓塗片檢查 - examination of bone marrow smear

黃骨髓 - fatty marrow

n.膠樣骨髓 - gelatinous marrow

n.髓之府 - house of marrow

再生不良性骨髓 - hypoplastic marrow

n.髓會 - influential point of the marrow

n.骨髓衍生淋巴細胞 - lymphocyte derived from bone marrow

n.骨髓髓細胞樣化生 - myeloid metaplasia of bone marrow


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