





public law claims instituted by a foreign public body 外國公團體所提起的公法求償;consensus public opinion the public voice vox populi 輿論;consensus public opinion the public voice vox populi 輿論;Interworking between packet switched public data networks and public maritime mobile satellite data transmission systems 分組交換公用數據網和公用海事移動衛星數據傳輸系統之間的互通;PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE A PUBLIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE 在公眾咨詢委員會前的公眾聽證;


1.However long we are keepers of the public trust we should never forget that we are here as public servants and public service is a privilege. 無論多久我們只要身為大眾信任的保衛者,我們應該永不忘記,我們在這裡是公僕,而為公眾服務是一種特權。

2.If a program combines public-domain code with GPL-covered code, can I take the public-domain part and use it as public domain code? 如果一個程序既有公共領域的代碼也有GPL代碼,我可以把公共領域部分的代碼拿出來,並且當它是公共領域代碼那樣使用嗎?

3.Making a study on its public principle may help us know clearly about the public principle of Greek Polis Democracy Practice and relevance it gives to public management. 希臘城邦民主實踐開創了公共事務治理的民主形式,透現出公共管理的公共性原則。

4.Land expropriation, a social and public power, is used to engross the public and compulsive force resources by controling the individual intractableness and carrying out social and public benefits. 土地徵用權是社會公共權力,用以壟斷公共強制力資源,以抑制因個體任性而阻礙社會公共利益的實現。

5.This proves that the public also expect "social public good" to be generated from public art. 證明民眾在公共藝術方面的要求也有「公共財」的社會性要求。


That's true. Harry Bennett,certified public accountant. - 是的。Harry Bennett註冊會計師。

in the public school - 在公立學校中

By arranging with the public schools - 首先, 從公立學校開始

He met his girfriend throught a public chat room. - 他是在一個公共聊天室裡認識他女友的。

If you educate the public about dangerous diseases they can protect themselves, which will help to halt the spread. - 如果你能教育公眾如何來防治危險疾病,他們就能夠保護好他們自己,從而阻止疾病的傳播。

I can't show my face in public anymore. - 我不能再在公眾場合露面了。

First, we need to more public relations activities to promote understanding. - 首先,我們應該更多地做公關活動以促進瞭解。

It is generally believed that Chinese are poor public speakers. - 一般認為中國人不擅長公眾演講。

The news was announced to the public on TV. - 這則消息經由電視向大眾宣佈。

Is there a public phone near here? - 這附近有公用電話嗎?

I'm calling from a public phone. - 我打的是公用電話。

Do you live across from the Public Hall? - 你在大會堂對面居住嗎?

I visited museums and sat in public gardens. - 我參觀了博物館,還去了公園。

A public house which was recently bought by Mr.Ian Thompson is up for sale. - 伊恩。湯普森先生最近才買的一個小酒店現在又要賣出去。

But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press. - 但到目前為止,公眾已經向新聞界寫信表達他們對學生們的感激之情了。

Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places. - 即使是對藝術不感興趣的人也不會注意到在公共場所展示的現代藝術品。

The public bet a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. - 公眾把大筆賭注下到了門多薩身上,但他卻輸了。

Insuring public or private property is a standard practice in most countries in the world. - 承辦公共財產或私人財產保險是世界上大部分國家的正常業務。

Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events. - 常人軼事往往比政治事件更能引起公眾注意。

A lot of people object to mobile phones, especially when they are used in public places like restaurants or on public transport. - 許多人都反對移動式電話,特別是在如飯店,公共交通車等公共場所使用移動電話。

Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from highhanded or incompetent public officers. - 在瑞典,已逐漸形成了一種完善的制度以保護每個公民不受專橫的和不稱職的政府官員的欺壓。

The Swedes were the first to recognize that public official like civil servants, police officers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public. - 是瑞典人首先認識到政府工作人員如文職人員、警官、衛生稽查員、稅務人員等等也會犯錯誤或者自以為在為公眾服務而把事情做過了頭。

There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman's work for his correspondence is open to public inspection. - 司法特派員的工作沒有什麼秘密可言,他的信件是公開的,供公眾監督。

Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society. - 準時是文明社會中進行一切社交活動時必須養成的習慣。

The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of the first importance to a public man. - 因此,對一個從事社會活動的人來說,培養一種業餘愛好和各種新的興趣是頭等重要的作法。

We can't go to the public parks or swimming pools. - 我們不能上公園或是去游泳池。

When he returned to India he spoke in public about the situation in South Africa. - 當他加到印度之後,他還就南非的形勢公開發表演說。


prefectural bureau of public health; prefectural health department - 專區衛生局

public sewer - 公共下水道

public intoxication - 公共中毒

public health - 公共衛生

public health doctor - 公共衛生醫師

public health engineering - 公共衛生工程

public health nurse - 公共衛生護士

public health laboratory - 公共衛生檢驗室

public health bactreiology - 公共衛生細菌學

latrine; public latrine; public lavatory - 公共廁所

public places - 公共場所

public bath room - 公共浴室

public welfare - 公共福利

public hazard public disaster; public nuisance - 公害

public haard incident - 公害事件

public nuisance disease - 公害病

common antigen; commonantigen; public antigen - 公有抗原

public utility - 公用事業

public medical care; socialized medicine; state medicine - 公費醫療制度

public amplification - 功率放大

power amplifier; public amplifier - 功率放大器

urban public utility - 城市公用事業

public antigen - 常見抗原


n.專區衛生局 - prefectural bureau of public health

n.公害 - public hazard public disaster

n.城市公用事業 - urban public utility

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