unsurenessn. 不確定;缺乏自信
unsureness 不確定;沒有自信;incertitude indeterminacy indetermination uncertainty unsureness 不確定;
1.When speaking before a group, a person's tone may indicate unsureness of fright, confidence or calm. 在一群人面前講話時,一個人的可能表現出猶疑、恐懼、自信或鎮靜。
2.Distribution channel is the important part of marketing, which has the nature of slow-establish process, long-term efficiency and unsureness of control. 分銷渠道是企業營銷的重要部分,具有建立過程的緩慢性,建立後的不易改變性,以及企業對其難以控制性。
3.When they decided to walk out from the net and to meet up in the real life. That expectation, heart beating and unsureness was been acted by those two actor/actress. 當他們真的決定走出網絡,在現實中見面時,那份期待,那種心跳,那種心神不定,被兩位演員演繹的出神入化!