depopulation[di,:pɔpju'leiʃən]n. 人口減少;滅絕
depopulation 人口減少;人口下降;粒子數降低;粒子數減少;rural depopulation 農村人口減少;world depopulation 消減世界人口的計劃;thermal depopulation 熱致粒子減少;熱致粒子數減少;annihilation depopulation deracinate die out kill out 滅絕;
1.A mock funeral has been held in Venice, by residents wanting to highlight the problem of the city's depopulation. 水城威尼斯舉行模擬葬禮,居民希望以此喚起人們對人口流失現象的關注。
2.Since the enforced depopulation of Diego Garcia in the years leading up to 1973, it has been used as a military base by the United States. 在一直持續到1973年的幾年間,島上居民被強制搬離,此後該島一直被美國租用為軍事基地。
3.Armed conflict and its knock-on effects simply happen to be one of the few forces on the planet that can cause quick and thorough depopulation. 軍事衝突和它的連鎖反應剛巧是地球上那為數不多的使生物數量快速和徹底的減少力量之一。