eunicen. 尤妮斯(女子名,義為快樂的勝利)
Eunice 尤妮絲 希臘 快樂的勝利;希臘 快樂的勝利;恩尼司牌手錶;歐裡刻;Eunice Lipton 利普頓;立普頓;Eunice Olsen 官委議員歐生優麗;歐生優麗(官委議員);奧爾森;Eunice Barber 巴貝爾;法國 田徑;Eunice Maurice 拉威爾;
1.Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the sister of President John F. Kennedy has died. Shriver was best-known for founding the Special Olympics. She was 8
8. 約翰肯尼迪的妹妹尤尼斯
2.Eunice Kennedy Shriver began her work, the disabled , -- her sister included , -- often spent most of their lives in hospitals or other institutions. 當尤尼斯-肯尼迪-施萊弗開始她的工作,殘疾人-也包括她的妹妹-經常生活在醫院或其它機構。
3.Eunice Kennedy Shriver has been laid to rest by her family at a cemetery on Cape Cod. Mourners lit candles from the Special Olympics torch at the service. 由尼斯-肯尼迪-師瑞佛已經在卡普口的的儀式上在家人的陪伴下離開了。悼念者們從特別奧林匹克火炬上點燃了蠟燭。