





hard-faced hard-favored hard-favoured 面貌嚴厲的;hard-faced hard-favored hard-favoured 面貌嚴厲的;hard-faced hard-favored hard-favoured 面貌嚴厲的;hard-faced hard-favored hard-favoured 面貌嚴厲的;die hard have a hard head pertinacity bigotry 頑固;


1.The hard wearing layer can be designed into an embedding hard wearing copper sheath, a welding hard wearing copper layer and other hard wearing or antifriction materials. 耐磨層可以為鑲嵌的耐磨銅套或者焊接的耐磨銅層,也可以是其它材質的耐磨或者減磨材料。

2.hard alee; the ship went hard astern; swung the wheel hard left. 駛船向上風的命令;輪船猛烈向後退;使勁向左旋轉輪子。

3.Play hard, study hard, and work hard. 盡情玩樂,用功讀書,努力工作。

4.Work hard , Play hard And Die hard . 做到死,玩到死,然後很難死。

5.A hard disk is different. A hard disk has an MBR (Master Boot Record), this is because a hard disk can have multiple partitions and any one of them can be bootable. 硬盤則不同。硬盤有一個MBR(主引導記錄),這是因為一個硬盤可以有多個分區,並且其中的任何一個分區都可以是可啟動的。


I have worked hard at my major subject. - 我對主修課特別用功。

And I am a hard worker when I have something challenging to do. - 並且在遇到挑戰性的工作時,我是個很努力的人。

You drive a hard bargain. - 你真會講價。

Ms Lin worked hard all year. - 林小姐一年到頭辛勤工作。

It's hard to say. I like volleyball a lot, but I guess I like tennis better. - 很難說,我喜歡排球,但我想我比較喜歡網球。

I can barely stand up by the end of a hard day. - 辛苦了一天之後,我都站不起來了。

This job is hard work. - 這活兒太累人了。

I push myself very hard to do well. - 為了幹得好,我給自己很大壓力。

You're working pretty hard these days. - 你這陣子工作得很辛苦呀。

Well, it's hard work. - 嗯 這種工作很辛苦。

She's hard to resist. - 真是人見人愛。

It's too hard to explain. - 這很難解釋清楚。

So I try hard to find opportunities for people like you. - 所以我努力為像你這樣的人尋找機會。

It's hard to do anything but listen in this family. - 在這個家庭 除了聽別人之外還能怎樣。

Now for the hard part. - 現在到了最難的部分。

Oh, you think you're going to have a hard time - 你認為需要大費周折

Study hard kids, your mother and I want you to get into a good college when the time comes. - 努力學習,孩子們,你們的媽媽和我希望你們能考上名校。

Study hard and study everyday, if you want to master the English language. - 如果你想精通英語的話,就得每天刻苦學習。

Most people I meet have some English ability, but the ones who work hard at it really stand out from the crowd. - 我遇到的多數人都會點英語,但只有那些刻苦學習的人才鶴立雞群,給我深刻印象。

It's a hard job, but I hope he can make it. - 這不是件容易的差事,但我希望他能做到。

You work hard on all your committees, - 而你總是在各種委員會裡忙,

and how hard it is - 他還說這件事很難

Now the hard work begins. - 艱苦的工作現在開始了。

It's hard for some older people to take all that noise. - 一些老年人沒辦法忍受那些噪音。

I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open - 我一直掙扎著要讓雙眼睜開

but I've worked so hard on Family Album, U.S.A., - 但是我一直為Family Album, U.S.A.辛勤工作

I find that hard to swallow. - 對這一點我難一相信。

I think that all Chinese word hard and cherish their famillies. - 我認為所有的中國人都工作勤奮而且十分關心家人。

Going swimming should be a good way of letting your hair down after a hard day's work. - 游泳是在辛苦了一天後放鬆自己的好方法。

Workers have to work very hard to keep bread on the table. - 工人得十分努力工作才能賺錢餬口。

We have to work hard to get people interested in politics. - 我們必須努力使人們對政治感興趣。

If I work hard now, when I retire I'll be very well off financially. - 如果我現在努力工作的話,退體後就會很富有。

Farming is a hard way to make a dollor. - 農業很難賺錢。

Work hard and play hard, my friend. - 工作的時候要拚命幹,而娛樂的時候要盡情玩,朋友。

The firm repaid her hard work with a bonus. - 公司發給她獎金以酬謝她的努力工作。

This has been a hard course for me. - 這門課對於我來說很難。

It took years of hard work. - 那需要多年辛苦工作。

He was very hard driven. - 他被迫拚命幹活。

We must prepare ourselves to have a hard time. - 我們必須準備過艱苦的日子。

If it hadn't rained so hard yesterday, we would have played tennis. - 如果昨天沒下那麼大的雨,我們就去打網球了。

But We tried very hard to adapt ourselves to the new environment. - 但是我們盡量去適應新的環境。

Only by working hard can we succeed in doing anything. - 只有通過努力工作我們才能成功。

He's a very hard man to please. - 他是一個很難討好的人。

He is hard to please. - 他是難以取悅的。

This problem is hard to solve. - 要解決這個問題不簡單。

She is hard to please. - 她很難取悅。

He is very hard to handle. - 他很難應付。

I work hard all morning. - 我整個早上努力工作。

He's tired because he worked hard all day today. - 他疲倦是因為他今天整天努力工作。

The designer is working hard on a new project. - 設計師在努力籌劃新穎的設計項目。


n. hard polish - 嚴格拋光

scar of hard chancre - 亞媳性下疳瘢痕

resolve phlegm and soften hard masses; resolving phlegm and softening hard masses; resolving phlegmand softening hard masses - 化痰軟堅

n. semi hard drying - 半硬幹燥

n. semi hard magnetic material - 半硬度磁性材料

n. semi hard magnetic material - 半硬質磁性材料

hard paraffin; hardparaffin - 固體石蠟

hard intensity; heavy intensity - 大強度

n. hard oil putty - 干性油膩子

n. spark hard facing - 放電硬表堆焊

n. coating sintered hard alloy - 塗層超硬合金

n. hard plate - 淬硬板

n. hard head - 渣頭

n. sintered hard alloy - 燒結硬合金

n. hard blow - 猛烈送風

n. spark hard facing - 電火花表面硬化

n. hard iron - 硬化鐵

n. hard blow - 硬吹煉

n. hard dry - 硬幹

hard baseplate wax - 硬底板蠟

n. hard polish - 硬性拋光

fibroma durum; hard fibroma - 硬性纖維瘤

hard stretcher - 硬擔架

n. hard oil putty - 硬油灰

n. hard soldering - 硬焊法

n. hard solder,hard-solder - 硬焊藥

hard glass - 硬玻璃

hard paraffin; hardparaffin - 硬石蠟

hard base - 硬鹼

hard fiber - 硬纖維

fibroma durum; hard fibroma - 硬纖維瘤

hard macrogol - 硬聚乙二醇

hard gelatin capsule - 硬膠囊

hard plate; palate; palatum durum - 硬顎

n. hard rock excavation - 硬質石巖開挖

n. hard metal - 硬質金屬

n. hard anodizing process - 硬質陽極化處理法

n. hard anodic oxidation coatings - 硬質陽極氧化塗層

hard acid - 硬酸

n. hard drawn steel wire - 硬鋼線

n. hard iron - 硬鐵

n. hard chromium plating - 硬鉻鍍

n. hard plating - 硬鍍法

n. hard nickel plating - 硬鎳鍍

n. hard anodizing process - 硬陽極氧化法

n. hard anodic oxidation coatings - 硬陽極氧化塗層

n. hard anodic oxidation coatings - 硬陽級氧化塗層

n. hard brass solder - 硬青銅焊

hard clot - 血凝塊

softening hard masses - 軟堅


腐敗硬組織 - decayed hard tissue

永久硬水 - permanent hard water

n.化痰軟堅 - resolve phlegm and soften hard masses

n.化痰軟堅 - resolving phlegm and softening hard masses

n.化痰軟堅 - resolving phlegmand softening hard masses

n.軟堅散結 - resolving the hard lumps

n.亞媳性下疳瘢痕 - scar of hard chancre

n.軟堅散結 - softening and resolving hard mass

n.軟堅 - softening hard masses

n.軟堅利咽 - softening hard masses and relieving sore-throat

胸硬膜 - thoracic hard membrane

n.堅者削之 - trim the hard

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