





batik and waxprinting article batik article 蠟染製品;batik and waxprinting article batik article 蠟染製品;accompanying article 攜帶物品;accompanying article 攜帶物品;ART Article 物品,條目;條款貨品;


1.After Article 134, one article is added as Article 187: "A People's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal." 第一百三十四條後增加一條,作為第一百八十七條:「第二審人民法院對上訴案件,應當組成合議庭,開庭審理。

2.Bold the article name the first time it appears in the article itself. Any alternative names should also be bolded at their first occurence. 當文章標題第一次出現在文章正文中時應以粗體字標記,同時文中標題的別稱也應標記。

3.We also agree with Venezuela that the list in the chapeau of article 21 should be deleted and referred back to the list included in article 2 when defining communication. 我們也同意委內瑞拉,該清單中的第21條的起首部分應予以刪除,並提到回到列入名單第2條界定的溝通。

4.Traditional viewpoint believed, "article" only is a copywriter simply engaged in writing draft, which is a wrong explanation to "article". 傳統觀點認為,「文案」只是單純從事文字撰稿的人,這是對文案的一個錯誤解讀。

5.I have read article after article, column after column, book after book, and ingested volumes of information—and I continue to do so. 我讀了很多文章、很多專欄、很多書和獲取很多的信息---而且我還在繼續這樣做著。


I'm writing an article on the feelings about graduation. - 我在寫一篇關於畢業感想的文章。

once I print the article in the paper. - 等我將這篇文章刊登在報紙上。

Please tell us the Article Number of the Product. - 請您把商品貨號告訴我們。

This kind of article is often bought as a gift, so exquisite and tasteful design is of prime importance. - 人們購買這種商品通常用來贈親友,所以精美高雅的設計至關重要。

After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. - 讀完一篇題為《吸煙與健康》的文章之後,我點上了一枝香煙,來鎮定一下自己緊張的神經。

Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. - 去年,一位記者受一家有名的雜誌的委託寫一篇關於非洲某個新成立共和國總統府的文章。

When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to publish it. - 稿子寄來後,編輯看第一句話就拒絕予以發表。

The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace'. - 「幾百級台階通向環繞總統的高牆。

When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. - 但記者還是沒有回復。編輯無奈,勉強按原樣發稿了。

A recent article in a weekly newspaper, for instance, - 例如,最近一家週報刊登了一篇文章,

Have you seen this article in the paper? - 你在報上看到過這篇文章嗎?

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