nashuan. 納舒厄(美國新罕布什爾州南部一座城市)
Nashua 納舒厄;南雪;納秀瓦;Nashua River 地的納什瓦河;Nashua Masters 名人賽;Nashua Community College 納舒厄社區學院;Radisson Hotel Nashua 納舒厄雷迪森酒店;
1.in Nashua. Matthews was pushing her on Iraq. 馬修斯是在以伊拉克問題向她施壓。
2.Covalence Raychem(R) heat-shrinkable coatings (Raychem(R) is a trademark of Tyco Electronics Corporation and Nashua(R) is a trademark of Nashua Corporation; 共價瑞侃(註冊商標)熱收縮膜(瑞侃( R )是一種商標泰科電子公司和納舒厄( R )是一個商標納舒厄公司;
3.He was responding to an audience member at a town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire, who criticised Clinton and said it had been a good thing that Obama had chose Biden over her. 在美國新罕布什爾州納舒厄市舉辦的市政廳會議上,一名觀眾批評希拉裡,並表示奧巴馬棄希拉裡選拜登是個明智之舉。對此,拜登做了如上回應。