a. duty-bound
obligedadj. 必須的;感激的;有責任的v. 要求;約束;施恩惠(oblige的過去分詞)
obliged 迫使;感激的;有責任的,必須的;因受恩而感激的;Obliged Death 賜泯;be obliged 懷有謝意);obliged ship 讓路船;OBLD OBLIGED 感謝;
1.They are often even obliged to pay more for meals at the company canteen. 普通工人也經常被迫在公司餐廳用餐,支付更多的伙食費。
2.Stewardess: Of course not. It's just that if you sit there we are obliged to tell you this. 空中小姐:當然不。只是如果您要坐在那裡的話,我們有責任來告訴您這件事情。
3.God cannot alter the past; that is why he is obliged to connive at the existence of historian. 神不能改變過去;惟其如是,他就不能不對歷史家的存在一隻眼開一隻眼閉了。
I'm very much obliged to you. - 非常感謝您。
However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, - 可是,隨著證據越來越多,動物園的專家們感到有必要進行一番調查,
He had been obliged to join the army during the Second World War. - 年齡比他兩個弟弟大很多,第二次世界大戰期間被迫參軍。
The men were now obliged to try once more. - 工人們只得再來一次。