





n. put optionv. assign ,commit ,couch ,lay


n. call ,call optionv. disinvest ,divest


put[put]vt. 放;表達;移動;安置;賦予vi. 出發;擊;航行;發芽n. 擲;笨蛋;投擊;怪人adj. 固定不動的


put 擺放;輸出;把某人關進監獄;腐胺;put aside 儲存,保留;暫不考慮,把…放在一邊;儲蓄;儲存;put away 放好,收好;儲存;把……收起,放好;把…收起;put option 看跌期權;出售/認沽期權;看跌期權,延賣期權;留置選擇權;put in 申請,正式提出;花費,付出(時間、精力等);花費;正式提出;


1.You put the tree from the back and I'll pull it at the front. 你在後面推樹,我在前面拉。

2.I put it back into my palm. 我把它重新放到我的手掌心。

3.I put a napkin by my plate. 我把一條餐巾放在碟子旁邊。


Where can I put the coin? - 硬幣要放在哪兒?

OK. Since you put it this way. I'll have to comply. - 好吧。既然你這麼說,我只好同意了。

Could you put that into more specific terms? - 您能不能說得明確一點?

Thank you very much. So we can put our minds at ease. - 非常感謝,這樣我們就放心了。

Where shall I put my signature? - 我簽在哪兒呀?

I've put an X next to the place where you should sign. - 我已在你該簽名的地方後面標示了X。

Thank you. Just put them on my desk. - 謝謝。 把它們放在我桌上。

The carpet's worn out. Let's put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. - 地毯已很破舊了, 我們需要裝一套新的。

You know,maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa as a welcome present. - 我說,或許我把爺爺的一些照片組合起來,作為歡迎他的一份禮物。

I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet. - 我想在爺爺的衣櫥 放幾個好的衣架。

Oh, put your heavy jacket on, Robbie. - 把你的厚夾克穿上 ,Robbie。

but I don't want to put it off too long. - 但我希望不要拖得太久。

But you just put on your pajamas and robe, - 你先把這睡衣褲穿上,

if we can put up some collateral. - 如果我們能提供擔保物的話。

and be able to put more money down. - 也就可以增加自備款的額度。

There must be some way to put my mind to good use. - 總會有辦法讓我發揮才智。

Where will we put all the presents? - 我們把這些禮物放在哪裡?

Just put it over there, Charles. - 就放在這兒吧 ,Charles。

I'm glad you feel you've finally put it all together. - 我很高興你終於就緒了。

Richard and I will put them into the envelopes. - 我和Richard把它們放進信封。

Now, once you put the ring on Susan's finger, - 現在, 你一旦將戒指戴上Susan的手指,

I put them in the pocket of my sports jacket. - 我把它們放在我運動夾克的口袋裡。

I think you put them - 我想你是放在

I put them in my tuxedo-- - 我將它們放在我禮服的口袋,

My son must have put you to a lot of trouble. - 我兒子一定給你帶來不少麻煩。

If it's ok with you, I guess I could put up with it. - 如果你覺得這沒問題的話,我想我亦能忍受它。

and put on the new winter jacket we bought today. - 也把我們今天買的冬季夾克穿上。

Sure. Put it back in your room, and we'll hang everything up later. - 當然。將它放回你的房間裡, 過一會兒我們來一件件掛起來。

we need to put together volunteers - 我們需要募集義工

I have to remember to put them in the bag - 我必須記得將它們放進袋子裡

Well, we'll put everything over there. - 嗯, 我們將所有的東西都放在那邊。

Let's put some of this stuff away and then take off. - 讓我們把部份東西拿出來, 然後就走啦。

I worked to put together a book of photographs. - 我的工作是創作出一本攝影書。

Ok, when you put it that way, I have to agree. - 好的,你這樣說的話,我也只得同意。

I can't put it strongly enouth, I need to make a sale before the end of the week. - 我鄭重宣佈,我要在本週末前搞一次大減價。

The game was put off due to heavy rain. - 由於下大雨,比賽延遲了。

You didn't put film in the camera, silly! - 笨蛋,攝影機裡沒有放膠卷。

Many residents choose to put their money into the bank. - 許多人選擇把錢存在銀行。

I can't put my finger on what exactly makes a written piece a classic. - 我不知道什麼使一篇著作成為經典。

I think the newspaper put a bad spin on these latest events. - 我認為報紙扭曲報道了最近發生的事件。

You can see many posters that are put up before the movie opens. - 每部電影首映前你都會看到鋪天蓋地的海報。

If you're prepared to put private information onto the internet, it won't be private for long. - 如果你把個人資料放在互聯網上,很快它就不會是什麼秘密了。

U2 are touring here in October, and I hear they put on quite a show. - U2 八月份將來這裡做巡迴演出,我聽說他們的表演很賣力。

Don't put all your eggs in on basket. - 不要孤注一擲。

You can put it that way. - 你可以那樣說。

Me too. I was hoping we could put this bicycle together for Tom's birthday. - 我也希望如此,我本來希望買這輛自行車做為送給湯姆的生日禮物。

Where do you want us to put the couch? - 你想讓我們把沙發放到哪裡?

Parents usually put a small red paper packet under their child's pillow. - 父母常常會在孩子枕頭下放一個小紅包。

We put pressure on the government to change this law. - 我們給政府施加壓力,要求修改那條法律。

The child behaved so rudely that he put his father to shame. - 這孩子舉止非常無禮,使他的父親感到羞恥。


put one's shoulder out - 使...肩膀脫臼

high out put and low resistance shock - 高排低阻型休克


n.高排低阻型休克 - high out put and low resistance shock

n.最大功率輸出 - maximum power out put

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