





n. babe ,child ,infant ,sisterv. cocker ,coddle ,cosset ,featherbed


baby['beibi]n. 嬰兒,嬰孩;孩子氣的人vt. 縱容,嬌縱;把……當嬰兒般對待adj. 嬰兒的;幼小的


baby 嬰兒;平衡重;小型的;張含韻;Baby blue 淺藍色;淡藍色;淺藍;溗{色;baby boomers 嬰兒潮出生的一代人;嬰兒潮;嬰兒潮一代;嬰兒潮世代;Picture Baby 圖片寶貝;片寶貝;Always baby 永遠的貝比;永遠的寶貝;永遠購樂學的寶貝;永遠的貝比


1.She was babied by all hands. 她受到大家的嬌縱偏愛。

2.Well, I wanna be your lover, baby. 噢,我想要做你的情人,寶貝兒。

3.Our cute baby also liked it there. 我們可愛的寶貝也喜歡那裡。


telephone FAO Schwarz about the new twin baby dolls. - 打電話給FAO Schwarz談關於雙胞娃娃玩具的事。

Well, Richard and I feel that with a baby coming - 嗯, Richard和我覺得孩子快要出生了,

and ... and when the baby comes, - 而且……而且嬰兒出生以後,

the baby can stay in your room for a while. - 可以住在你們房間一段時間。

The baby even looks at you like Richard does. - 這嬰兒看你的時候也像Richard那樣。

Marilyn and Richard and the baby need the space. - Marilyn和Richard還有嬰兒需要空間。

Isn't this baby outfit adorable? - 這套嬰兒裝不是很可愛嗎?

Would you like to see baby Max, Michelle? - 想看看Max小傢伙嗎, Michelle?

A baby gets used to voices. - 嬰兒習慣各種聲音。

Aren't we taking the baby on our honeymoon? - 我們豈不是要帶小寶寶一起去度蜜月?

having to take care of the baby all weekend. - 整個週末照顧孩子。

We have a baby now. - 我們現在有一個小寶寶了。

If I had a baby like Max, - 假如我有一個像Max這樣的寶貝,

It hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth. - 小孩子長第一顆牙齒時好痛喲。

Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents. - 她很小的時候,父母就死了,是祖父母把她帶大的。

Can you keep an eye on the baby while I go shopping? - 你能否在我上街買東西的時照看一下孩子?

You'll scare the baby if you shout. - 你若大聲喊叫,會嚇著嬰兒的。

Mary gave birth to a baby last week. - 瑪麗上星期做媽媽了。

They had a baby last month. - 他們上個月有了一個嬰兒。

Will our baby be a boy? - 我們的小寶寶是男孩嗎?

The baby will be a great architect. - 那個嬰兒將會成為大建築家。

The baby liked to feel the touch of her shiny, new toy. - 小寶寶喜歡新玩具閃閃發光的觸感。

Her husband doesn't think she should continue working after the baby is born. - 她的丈夫認為女人生了孩子就不應該再繼續出去工作了。

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. - 切勿良莠不分一起拋。

Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake. - 醉翁之意不在酒。

Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a 'guard of honour' of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo. - 他打扮成聖誕老人,在由6個漂亮姑娘組成的「儀仗隊」的陪同下,騎上一頭名叫江伯的小象,沿著城裡的主要街道出發了。

The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt. - 機上僅有的乘客,一位年輕的婦女和她的兩個女嬰卻平安無事。

Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. - 假設你在做飯,同時又在照看孩子。

While you are on the phone, the baby pulls the tablecloth off the table, smashing half your best crockery and cutting himself in the process. - 就在你接電話時,孩子把桌布從桌子上扯下來,將家中最好的陶瓷餐具半數摔碎,同時也弄傷了他自己。

Gifts poured in not only from unknown people, but room baby food and soap manufacturers who wished to advertise their products. - 不但素昧平生的人寄來了大量的禮物,而且嬰兒食品、嬰兒肥皂製造廠商為了替自己產品做廣告也寄來了大量的禮物。

is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the vernacular of his family. - 就好像他本國語言的總詞彙量和自己咿呀學語時他家庭所接納的他的詞彙量之比。

Keep quiet! The baby is sleeping. - 安靜!娃娃在睡覺。

A baby panda? Great! Let's go. - 一隻小熊貓?好極了。咱們走吧。

The baby was about ten months old. At first she was asleep. - 那小孩大約10個月大。最初,她是睡著的。

I started to sing. The baby watched and listened ,and she didn't cry any more. - 我開始唱歌。小孩看著,聽著,不再哭了。

Then I made faces and jumped like a monkey. The baby laughed and laughted. - 然後我做鬼臉,像猴子一樣跳來跳去。那孩子笑個不停。


baby ruler - 嬰兒尺

baby cyclotron; compact cyclotron - 小型迴旋加速器

newborn baby tub bath - 新生兒盆浴


n.躁動不安的嬰兒 - a fretful baby

青紫嬰兒,發紺嬰兒 - blue baby

boarder baby - boarder baby

可卡因兒 - cocaine baby

n.火棉膠樣嬰兒 - collodion baby

(精神)受打擊的孩子 - crack baby

超未成熟兒 - extraimmature baby

巨大嬰兒,巨嬰 - large baby

低出生重性嬰兒 - low-birth-weight baby

發育不全的最小嬰兒 - minimum immature baby

n.夜啼嘔吐 - morbid noturnal crying and vomiting of baby

n.新生兒盆浴 - newborn baby tub bath

高危早產兒 - poor risk baby

早產兒,未成熟兒 - premature baby

無症狀的嬰兒 - silent baby

n.試管嬰兒 - test tube baby

海豹兒,反應停嬰兒 - thalidomide baby

n.雙胎嬰 - twin baby


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