turreted['tʌritid, 'tə:-, 'tuə-]adj. 有角塔的;塔樓狀的
turreted 有角塔的;turreted cloud 塔狀雲;turreted steamer 塔式汽船;turreted roof 塔狀屋頂;Turreted Fried Prawns Peking Style 鍋□大蝦;
1.Swim across a river to sneak past soldiers, snipe them from a distance or steal a turreted jeep and start firing. 你可以游過河偷襲士兵,也可以遠距離狙擊他們,或者偷一輛塔式吉普車,然後開火。
2.Heavily Fortified Positions are tougher, and are equipped with a turreted railgun effective against infantry and heavy infantry. 以一個較高的率很重加強的職位產物申請書。
3.There were 15 of us altogether and the hosts had hired a grand turreted folly just outside Trowbridge, complete with banqueting hall. 到場的共15人。東道主租借了就在特羅布裡奇城外的一個富麗堂皇、華而不實的角樓形大廈。裡面設施一應俱全,包括宴會大廳。