





n. alveolar consonant ,dental ,dental consonant


alveolar[æl'viələ]adj. 肺泡的;齒槽的n. 齒槽音


alveolar 齒齦音;齒槽的;蜂窩狀;牙槽的;alveolar carcinoma 肺泡上皮癌;釋義:蜂窩狀癌;alveolar sac 肺泡囊;肺泡囊 肺泡囊;肺泡(小)囊;釋義:肺泡(小)囊;alveolar fluid 肺泡液體;alveolar osteitis 牙槽骨炎;牙槽骨炎心理健康名言:道兒是人走出來的,轍兒是車軋出來的。;


1.Conclusion The method is very feasible, as it may avoid damage to inferior alveolar nerve and can demonstrate ciliary ganglion. 結論該方法可行性強,避免了標本製作中下牙槽神經的損壞,顯示了睫狀神經節。

2.By definition, diseases producing consolidation are characterized by replacement of alveolar air by fluid, cells, tissue, or other material. 按照定義,病變導致(肺)實變特指肺泡氣體被液體、細胞、組織或其它物質取代。

3.The density and the height of alveolar bone of each abutment was measured and analyzed statistically by using a dental radiographic analysis software. 運用牙科圖像分析處理軟件對每一基牙的根周骨高度和骨密度進行測量並進行統汁學分析。


primary alveolar bronchioles; primary respiratory bronchioles - 一級呼吸細支氣管

middle superior alveolar branch; ramus alveolaris superior medius - 上牙槽中支

anterior superior alveolar arteries; arteria alveolares superiores anteriores - 上牙槽前動脈

anterior auperior alveolar branches; rami alveolares superiores anteriores - 上牙槽前支

arteria alveolaris superior posterior; posterior superior alveolar artery - 上牙槽後動脈

posterior superior alveolar branches; rami alveolares superiores posteriores - 上牙槽後支

nervi alveolares superiores; superior alveolar nerves - 上牙槽神經

anesthesia of superior posterior alveolar nerve - 上齒槽後神經麻醉

superior alveolar nerve - 上齒槽神經

arteria alveolaris inferior; arteriaalveolarisinferior; inferior alveolar artery; inferioralveolarartery - 下牙槽動脈

inferior alveolar nerve; nervus alveolaris inferior - 下牙槽神經

paralysis of inferior alveolar nerve - 下牙槽神經麻痺

arteria alveolaris inferior; arteriaalveolarisinferior; inferior alveolar artery; inferioralveolarartery - 下頜牙槽動脈

arteria alveolaris inferior; arteriaalveolarisinferior; inferior alveolar artery; inferioralveolarartery - 下齒槽動脈

inferior alveolar nerve; nervus alveolaris inferior - 下齒槽神經

inferior alveolar nerve injury - 下齒槽神經損傷

congenital alveolar dysplasia - 先天性肺泡發育異常

biangle alveolar bone chisel - 雙角形牙槽骨鑿

alveolar bone gouge - 圓口雙牙骨槽鑿

hyperplastic alveolar nodule - 增生性肺泡結節

compound alveolar gland - 復泡腺

chronic alveolar abscess - 慢性牙槽膿腫

minimum alveolar concentration - 最小肺泡濃度

peripheral alveolar bronchiole; peripheral respiratory bronchiole - 末梢呼吸細支氣管

alveolar bone; os alveolare - 槽骨

alveolar hypoventilation - 泡換氣過低

alveolar sphere - 泡球

alveolar epithelium - 泡腔上皮

acinous gland; alveolar gland - 泡腺

alveolar substance - 泡質

alveolar forceps; alveolar rongeur - 牙槽咬骨鉗

alveolar foramena; foramina alveolaria - 牙槽孔

alveolar fragments - 牙槽碎片

alveolar process; processus alveolaris - 牙槽突

infiltrration anesthesia of alveolar process - 牙槽突浸潤麻醉

alveolar pyorhea; pyorrhea alveolaris - 牙槽膿溢

alveolar abscess; dentoalveolar abscess - 牙槽膿腫

alveolar atrophy - 牙槽萎縮

alveolar bone - 牙槽骨

alveolar bone file - 牙槽骨銼

alveolar epithelium - 肺泡上皮

alveolar cellcarcinoma - 肺泡上皮癌

alveolar epithelial cells - 肺泡上皮細胞

partial alveolar pressure of carbon dioxide - 肺泡二氧化碳分壓

alveolar phagocyte - 肺泡吞噬細胞

alveolar sacs; sacculi alveolares - 肺泡囊

alveolar cyst - 肺泡型囊腫

great alveolar cells; small alveolar 崑cells; squamous alveolar cells; type Ⅰalveolar cells; typeⅡ alveolar cells - 肺泡型細胞

alveolar pores; interalveolar pores; pores of kohn - 肺泡孔

alveolar sacs; sacculi alveolares - 肺泡小囊


n.上齒槽後神經麻醉 - anesthesia of superior posterior alveolar nerve

n.上牙槽前支 - anterior auperior alveolar branches

n.上牙槽前動脈 - anterior superior alveolar arteries

前上牙槽動脈 - anterior superior alveolar artery

前上牙槽支 - anterior superior alveolar branch

前上牙槽神經阻斷 - anterior superior alveolar nerve block

n.雙角形牙槽骨鑿 - biangle alveolar bone chisel

閉塞性細支氣管炎和彌沒性肺泡損傷,閉塞性細支氣管炎和彌沒性肺泡損 - bronchiolitis obliterans and diffuse alveolar damage

n.慢性牙槽膿腫 - chronic alveolar abscess

n.復泡腺 - compound alveolar gland

n.先天性肺泡發育異常 - congenital alveolar dysplasia

n.牙槽突骨折 - frracture of alveolar

巨大肺胞細胞,大肺泡細胞 - great alveolar cell

n.肺泡型細胞 - great alveolar cells

n.增生性肺泡結節 - hyperplastic alveolar nodule

n.下齒槽動脈,下牙槽動脈 - inferior alveolar artery

n.下齒槽神經,下牙槽神經 - inferior alveolar nerve

下牙槽神經阻斷 - inferior alveolar nerve block

n.下齒槽神經損傷 - inferior alveolar nerve injury

n.牙槽突浸潤麻醉 - infiltrration anesthesia of alveolar process

n.肺泡表面活性物質 - lung alveolar surfactant

齒槽正中囊腫 - median alveolar cyst

n.上牙槽中支 - middle superior alveolar branch

中上齒槽神經,中上牙槽神經 - middle superior alveolar nerve

最小肺泡內濃度,最小肺泡濃度 - minimal alveolar concentration

n.最小肺泡濃度 - minimum alveolar concentration

n.下牙槽神經麻痺 - paralysis of inferior alveolar nerve

n.肺泡二氧化碳分壓 - partial alveolar pressure of carbon dioxide

n.末梢呼吸細支氣管 - peripheral alveolar bronchiole

n.上牙槽後動脈 - posterior superior alveolar artery

n.上牙槽後支 - posterior superior alveolar branches

n.一級呼吸細支氣管 - primary alveolar bronchioles

原發性肺泡低通氣量綜合征 - primary alveolar hypoventilation syndrome

n.肺泡微結石症 - pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis

n.肺泡蛋白沉著症 - pulmonary alveolar proteinosis

n.肺泡型細胞 - small alveolar 崑cells

n.肺泡型細胞 - squamous alveolar cells

n.上齒槽神經 - superior alveolar nerve

n.上牙槽神經 - superior alveolar nerves

n.肺泡型細胞 - typeⅡ alveolar cells

n.靜脈血平衡性肺泡氣 - venous alveolar air

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