fineradj. 出色的,好的
finer 好的;精煉爐;更好的;好的,出色的;finer points 細節;stop finer 止動指針,止銷;止銷;止動指針;thermo finer 釋義:醫用電子體溫儀;Percent finer 小粒重率;
1.Wax is even finer abrasive and will bring your paint to an amazing shine you will see your reflection in the paint! 蠟是很好的研磨材料,並會為你的噴塗帶來惹人注目的光澤,你在油漆上會看到你的映像!
2.There has bigger eccentricity of rotary piston pumps rotary quality, which can produce bigger vibration when it running if no finer quality balance. 滑閥泵的旋轉質量有較大的偏心,如果沒有很好的質量平衡,在運轉時會產生較大的振動。
3.Therefore both fingerprint features and facial thermogram features have their origin in the detailed network of blood vessels and finer structures of the cardiovascular system. 因此,指紋特徵和面部溫譜圖特徵在詳細的血管網絡和出色的心血管系統結構方面是在初始階段形成的。
You couldn't pick a finer medical school than Michigan. - 你再也找不到一所比Michigan大學更好的醫學院了?