hypocriticaladj. 虛偽的;偽善的
hypocritical 偽善的;偽善的, 偽善者的;虛偽的;比虛偽;hypocritical behavior 偽善的行為;The hypocritical heart 兩重心;sham false hypocritical 虛偽;hypocritical and prudish 假正經;
1.I had a very cold, but do not want to pursue those places, because I think those are just a hypocritical performance. 曾經的我是一個很冷漠的人,而且不想去追求那些名次,因為我認為那些只是一種虛偽的表現。
2.A proud and solemn slogan just is a tool for doing evil. Though your starting point is righteousness and benevolence, what you finally do is hypocritical. 一個美麗莊嚴的口號,只是一件為非做歹的工具而已。雖然你的出發點是仁義,可是,你最後只是在做偽善的工作。
3.You are keeping act as a hypocritical saver of the world, but you have just lost your fame in China and become a notorious brainwashing company supported by UK government and your fancy. 你一直想做這個世界的偽善的拯救者,但是,你剛剛在中國丟了名聲,變成了一個靠英國政府和你們自己的想像支撐的臭名昭著的洗腦公司。