lawmen['lɔ:mən]n. [律]執法者;警官;警察
lawmen 執法官;
1.Brower's office claims Lindsey is a retired FBI agent, and that he and Call are leaders of the Nevada Lawmen Group for Public Awareness, a group affiliated with the Sovereign Movement. 捕郎檢察長的辦公室說零碎先生退休前是聯邦調查局的探子,他和烤鵝先生是和「主權運動」有關聯的內畫達州「公眾知法社」的領袖。
2.Lawmen called to an add re in Adelaide, capital of South Australia, just after midnight discovered four men trying to steal the plants, which were being grown in two rooms of the house. 接到電話的警察來到南澳大利亞省首府阿德萊德市的一個住所,時間是剛過午夜,發現了四個人正打算偷走大麻植株,這些大麻種在了兩個房間裡。
3.Lawmen called to an address in Adelaide, capital of South Australia, just after midnight discovered four men trying to steal the plants, which were being grown in two rooms of the house. 接到電話的警察來到南澳大利亞省首府阿德萊德市的一個住所,時間是剛過午夜,發現了四個人正打算偷走大麻植株,這些大麻種在了兩個房間裡。