1.This city has a fascinating nightlife. 城市有著迷人的夜生活。
2.nah, i prefer lazing by the beach with a good book, and i like a place with a good nightlife. 恩,我比較喜歡懶洋洋的在海邊曬曬太陽看看書,還有,我喜歡能享受夜生活的地方。
3.MASERU, capital of the tiny mountain kingdom of Lesotho, is hardly a nightlife hotspot. 萊索托王國坐落於一座小山脈之上,其首都馬塞盧幾乎無法成為夜生活的氾濫之地。
4.Here you will find articles on regional nightlife news for Asia. Please select the article that you are interested in reading. 您能在此找到各類有關亞洲地區夜生活的文章及新資訊。請選擇您感興趣的文章閱讀。
5.Like no other city in the world, Venice balances on both land and water. From the Rialto Bridge, I watch the activity of the Venetian nightlife unfold. 真是舉世無雙,威尼斯的水域和河岸相得益彰。站在裡亞托橋上,我看著威尼斯人的夜間生活悄然展開。