salaam[sə'lɑ:m]n. 問安;額手禮vt. 向…行額手禮;向…問候vi. 行額手禮;問候
salaam 敬禮;額手之禮;問安;行額手禮;salaam convulsion 點頭狀痙攣;Yusef Salaam 薩拉姆;Salaam Fayad 法雅德;Salaam Bombay 街童;
1.In Mivinjeni Primary school in Dar es Salaam I met the head teacher Mr. 在達累斯薩拉姆的明傑裡小學,我們見到了他們的校長亞歷克斯·羅伯茨先生。
2.The mother left her son on a mat while she went to hang clothes in the yard of her Dar Es Salaam home, Uhuru newspaper said. 民族獨立報報導,這名母親將兒子放在墊子後,到她位於(坦尚尼亞首都)三蘭港的住家院子裡晾衣服。
3.The University of Dar es Salaam offers Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees, as well as Certification Programs, to students from Tanzania and throughout the world . 達累斯薩拉姆大學擁有學士,碩士,和博士學位的課程設置,有來自坦桑尼亞和世界各地的學生。