cabbage oil cole-seed oil rubsen oil colza oil green cabbage seed oil rape seed oil 菜[籽]油;cabbage oil cole-seed oil rubsen oil colza oil green cabbage seed oil rape seed oil 菜[籽]油;Chinese torreya seed Chinese tumion seed semen torreyae tumion seed 榧子;Chinese torreya seed Chinese tumion seed semen torreyae tumion seed 榧子;cabbage oil cole-seed oil rubsen oil colza oil green cabbage seed oil rape seed oil 菜[籽]油;
1.This wheel integrates "seed box, seed feeder and protector, forming sinus seed thrower and seed coverer" in one body, and has multi-functions. 本穴播輪融「種子箱、取種護種器、成穴投種器和覆土器」等於一體;
2.The cotton seed is divided into sound black seed, immature red seed, capsule cracked seed and other impurities. The image of these objects is captured by the CCD video camera. 以棉種作為實驗研究材料,將其分為完整的黑色種、不成熟的紅色種、表皮破裂種及雜質,通過彩色面陣CCD攝像機採集棉種圖像。
3.The embryo of plant seeds contains four parts: a seed shoot, a seed root, a seed axis, and a seed leaf. 植物的胚包括四部分:胚芽,胚根,胚軸和子葉。大米是怎麼來的?比較不同的米,把它們分開。記下你看到的。米和米飯有什麼區別?
4.The embryo of plant seeds contains four parts: a seed shoot, a seed root, a seed axis, and a seed leaf. 植物的胚包括四部分:胚芽,胚根,胚軸和子葉。大米是怎麼來的?比較不同的米,把它們分開。記下你看到的。米和米飯有什麼區別?
5.This wheel integrates "seed box, seed feeder and protector, forming sinus seed thrower and seed coverer" in one body, and has multi-functions. 本穴播輪融「種子箱、取種護種器、成穴投種器和覆土器」等於一體;