





a. owed


a. not due ,undue


due[dju:, du:]adj. 到期的;預期的;應付的;應得的n. 應付款;應得之物adv. 正(置於方位詞前)


due 應付費;到期;到期的;應付的;due process 正當程序;正當法律程序;正當程序;規定程序;due care 安全關注;應有關注;合理關注;合理注意;tax due 應交稅款;到期應繳稅款;到期應付稅款;(到期)應付稅款;annuity due 期初年金;即付年金;期首年金;即期年金;


1.funds due the hope schools 應撥給「希望」小學的款項

2.Trade cancelled due to an unknown reason. 由於不明的原因已取消交易。

3.Flu influence the value of the blue glue in due time. 流感在適當的時候對藍色膠水價格產生影響。


This time draft will fall due at the end of this year. - 這張期票年底到期。

The game was put off due to heavy rain. - 由於下大雨,比賽延遲了。

He lost his money due to his own carelessness. - 由於大意,他丟了錢。

But give due respect for cultural differences. - 而是對文化差異給予應有的重視。

We should take due care for this accident. - 我們應該對這件事給予應有的注意。

I have due cause to do so. - 我有充分的理由這麼做。

The outdoor concert was called off due to the weather. - 露天音樂會由於天氣原因被取消。

Some students quit school due to poverty. - 一些學生因貧困而輟學。

Delivery has to be put off due to the strike of the workers at the port. - 由於港口工人罷工,交貨只好推遲。

My thesis is due the same week as midterms. - 畢業論文截止的日期,和期中考試那一周重複。

Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended. - 事情要安步就班地做,就會很快地做完。

What I have done is due to patient thought. - 我的成就是由於堅忍地思索。

The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. - 罷工定於星期二開始,

It is almost always due to some very special circumstances that traces of land animals survive, - 幾乎總是由於某些特殊的條件,陸地動物的遺體才被存下來,

Yes, and full payment is due within 30 days. - 是的,如果在30天骨付款就沒有折扣。


infantile malnutrition due to excessive feeding - 丁奚疳

edema due to unacclimatization - 不服水土腫

syncope due to exhaustion below - 上厥下竭

cold syndrome of middle-jiao; cold syndrome of the middle-warmer; syncope due to pathogenic cold - 中寒

nine kinds of illness due to disturbance of qi; nine kinds of illnss due to disturbance of qi - 九氣

lumbago due to injury - 傷損腰痛

abdominal pain due to injury - 傷損腹痛

lumbago due to injury - 傷損腹腰

cough due to summer heat - 傷暑咳嗽

lumbago due to dampness - 傷濕腰痛

spontaneous perspiration due to damp pathogen - 傷濕自汗

cough due to dryness - 傷燥咳嗽

headache due to acute alcoholism - 傷酒頭痛

dheadache due to improper diet - 傷食頭痛

diarrhea due to improper diet - 傷食瀉

mechanical hemolysis due to artificial valve - 人工瓣膜機械性溶血

disease due to latent summer-heat - 伏暑

dyspepsia due to improper - 傷乳食

injury due to physical overload - 傷力症

hyperthyroidism due to tsh-secreting tymor - 促甲狀腺激素分泌瘤致甲亢

palpitation due to fluid retention - 停飲心悸

dizziness due to fluid retention - 停飲眩暈

hypochondriac pain due to fluid retention - 停飲脅痛

hematemesis due to visceral injury - 內傷吐血

headache due to internal damage of vital energy; headache due to internal injury - 內傷頭痛

stomachache due to internal injury - 內傷胃院痛

internal hemorrhage due to rauma - 內漏

dizziness due to heatstroke - 冒暑眩暈

precordial pain due to cold - 冷氣心痛

Disease with drum sound are due to heat - 凡病敲如鼓聲

recurrence of disease due to exhaustion; relapse of disease due to overstrain - 勞復

hectic fever due to consumption - 勞蒸

diarrhea due to interior cold and exterior heat - 協熱下利

sudden onset of lumbago; udden onset oflumbago due to strain or cold - 卒腰痛

headache due to cold - 厥逆頭痛

alkalioe gastritis due to regurgitation - 反流性鹼性胃炎

flld poisoning due to proteus - 變形桿菌屬食物中毒

aphonia due to cough - 咳嗽失音

trauma due to a fall - 墜墮傷

trauma due to a fall - 墜損

aphonia due to throat disease - 喉喑

epigastric pain due to blood stasis - 四白

convulsion due to high fever - 因熱痙厥

Disease with drum sound are due to heat - 均屬於熱

insomnia due to exopathy - 外感不得臥

headache due to exopathy - 外感頭痛

stomachache due to exopathy - 外感胃脘痛

constipation due to heat in large intestine; large intestinal heat-accumulating - 大腸熱結

precordial pain due to loss of blood; prevordial pain due to loss of the blood - 失血心痛

dizziness due to loss of blood - 失血眩暈


n.氣積 - abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil

n.血瘀腹痛 - abdominal pain due to blood stasis

n.寒冷腹痛 - abdominal pain due to cold

n.濕熱腹痛 - abdominal pain due to damp-heat pathogen

n.血虛腹痛 - abdominal pain due to deficiency of blood

n.食積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to indigestion

n.傷損腹痛 - abdominal pain due to injury

n.食積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to reention of food

n.血滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of blood

n.氣結腹痛;n.氣滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi

n.風寒咽痺 - acute pharyngitis due to pathogenic wind-cold

n.風熱咽痺 - acute pharyngitis due to pathogenic wind-heat

n.蟲積腹痛 - adbominal pain due to enterositosis

n.血熱經行先期 - advanced menstruation due to blood-heat

n.反流性鹼性胃炎 - alkalioe gastritis due to regurgitation

n.血枯經閉 - amenorrhea due to blood depletion

n.避孕藥閉經 - amenorrhea due to contraceptive

n.脾虛經閉 - amenorrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen

n.寒濕凝滯經閉 - amenorrhea due to stagnation of cold wetness evil

n.血滯經閉 - amenorrhea due to stagnation og blood

n.腎虛經閉 - amenorrhea due to the kidney deficiency

n.血虧閉經 - amenorrhoea due to deficiency of blood

n.血清性過敏反應 - anaphylactic reaction due to serum

n.腎性貧血 - anemia due to kidney diseade.renal anemia

n.咳嗽失音 - aphonia due to cough

n.喉喑 - aphonia due to throat disease

n.痰中 - apoplexy due to phlegm

n.寒痺,寒皮痺 - arthralgia due to cold

n.濕痺 - arthralgia due to dampness

n.氣虛痺 - arthralgia due to deficiency of qi

n.氣痺 - arthralgia due to stagnation of qi

n.風寒濕痺 - arthralgia due to wind cold-dampness

n.風寒濕痺 - arthralgia due to wind-cold-dampness

n.血虛痺 - arthropathy due to deficiency of blood

n.肝硬化腹水 - ascites due to cirrhosis

n.塵螨性哮喘 - asthma due to dust mite

n.痰哮 - asthma due to stagnation of profuse phlegm

n.腎哮 - asthma due to the kidney-asthenia

n.維生素缺乏性舌萎縮 - atrophy of tongue due to avitaminosis

n.血熱妄行 - bleeding due to blood-heat

n.損傷出血 - bleeding due to injury

n.髒毒便血 - bloody stool due to lingering visceral damage

n.氣滯血瘀 - blood stasis due to stagnationofqi

n.落枕頸痛 - cervical pain due to stiffneck

n.熱膨脹係數 - coefficient of expansion due to heat

n.寒痢 - cold due to deficiency

n.熱厥 - cold limbs due to excess of heat

n.肝寒 - cold syndrome due to insufficiency of the liver


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