preference bond preference stock preferred stock 優先股;preference bond preference stock preferred stock 優先股;Attractiveness preference 吸引力偏好;Commonwealth Preference 英聯邦特惠制;英聯邦特惠制 財經;聯邦關稅特惠;concave preference 凹偏好;凹性偏好;
1.On the basis of the above concepts, preference distance axioms for group deci-sion -making with order preference a re set up. 對於群體決策問題,文章引進供選方案間的偏愛距離和偏愛距離映射的概念。
2.On the basis of the above concepts, preference distance axioms for group deci-sion -making with order preference a re set up. 在此基礎上,建立了序數偏愛下的群體決策公理,即偏愛距離公理。
3.On the basis of the above concepts, preference distance axioms for group deci-sion -making with order preference a re set up. 對於群體決策問題,文章引進供選方案間的偏愛距離和偏愛距離映射的概念。
4.In the group decision making process, how to aggregate individuals preference into the group preference is a key issue for group decision making method based on utility function. 在群體決策問題中,如何將群成員的偏好集結為群體的偏好並構造一個群體的效用函數是基於效用函數的群決策方法的核心問題。
5.In the preference test, the preference rate of strange figures(neutral figures)was much higher than that of the total of attackers and victims of attack. 偏好測試中出現被試對陌生人(中性人物)的偏好率明顯高於攻擊與被攻擊者的總和。
preference por cold drinks - 喜冷
polydipsia and preference for cold drinks; polydipsia and prefference for cold drink - 煩渴喜冷
feverish body with preference for coolnes; feverish body with preference for coolness - 身熱喜涼
色參照 - color preference
嗜酒精的 - ethanol preference
n.身熱喜涼 - feverish body with preference for coolnes
n.身熱喜涼 - feverish body with preference for coolness
n.偏食,食物偏愛 - food preference
n.煩渴喜冷 - polydipsia and preference for cold drinks