silver-molybdenumn. 銀鉬合金
silver-molybdenum 銀鉬合金;
1.Main products are: gold, silver, copper-molybdenum, iron, barite (barium sulfate) and so on. 主營產品有:黃金、白銀、銅鉬、鐵、重晶石(硫酸鋇)等。
2.Dexing Copper Mine is one of the world class super large low grade multi-element porphyry copper deposit and also a super large deposit of associated gold, sulfur, molybdenum-rhenium and silver. 德興銅礦是世界級特大型低品位多元素斑岩銅礦之一。該礦還是特大型伴生金礦、硫鐵礦、鉬錸礦和銀礦,具有很高的綜合回收價值。
3.From south to north there exist copper, molybdenum and gold-silver deposits, copper ore and gold metallization in turn in the studied area, which are distributed as belts in directions WE and NS. 區內由南向北依次為銅、鉬礦床、金銀礦床、銅礦、金礦化,具有東西成帶,南北成行的分佈特點。