velarization[,vi:lərai'zeiʃən, -ri'z-]n. [語]軟顎化
velarization 軟顎化;軟顎化;
1.a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighbouring sound. It includes nasalization, dentalization and velarization . 指一個音具有了鄰音的一部分或者全部特徵這一過程。包括鼻化、齒化和顎化。
2.Assimilation: a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighbouring sound. It includes nasalization, dentalization and velarization . 同化:指一個音具有了鄰音的一部分或者全部特徵這一過程。包括鼻化、齒化和顎化。
3.NASALIZATION, DENTALIZATION, AND VELARIZATION are all instances of ASSIMILATION, a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighbouring sound. 鼻化,齒化和顎化都是同化的例子,同化就是指一個音具有了臨近的一部分或者全部特徵這一過程。