





n. ball ,ballock ,bollock ,eggs


egg[eɡ]n. 蛋;卵子;[俚]傢伙vt. 煽動;慫恿


egg 雞蛋;蛋,雞蛋,卵;蛋黃;胃電圖;poached egg 荷包蛋;水臥雞蛋;煮荷包蛋;水煮蛋;scrambled egg 炒雞蛋;攪雞蛋;溜糊蛋;炒蛋;egg white 蛋白;卵清;冰蛋白;蛋清兒;egg yolk 蛋黃;卵黃;凍蛋黃;蛋黃兒;


1.Beat the egg and add the seasoning. 將雞蛋打入碗裡,加入調味料。

2.Egg roll + horsetail, sound very common. 蛋卷+馬尾,聽起來很普通。

3.Warm?You could fry an egg on the sidewalk. 暖和?你都可以在人行道上煎雞蛋了。


Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. - 前程雖遠大,現實尤可貴。

Better half an egg than empty shell. - 半隻蛋也比空殼好。

He that will steal an egg will steal an ox. - 會偷蛋的,也會偷牛。

Never cackle till your egg is laid. - 事竟成,才聲張。

He must, for example, perceive an egg as a simple single solid shape, - 以鳥蛋為例,觀賞者必須感覺到它是一個單一的實體形態,

Can't you see? Look! It has an egg in it. - 你沒看見嗎?瞧!裡面有一隻蛋。


fertilized egg of ascaris lumbricoides - 人蛔蟲受精卵

unfertilized egg of ascaris lumbricoides - 人蛔蟲未肥精卵

low egg passage; loweggpassage - 光次卵傳代

egg covering; egg membrane; oolemma - 卵膜

egg pod - 卵莢

egg albumin culture-medium - 卵蛋白培養基

egg capsule; oocyst - 卵袋

egg yolk agar - 卵黃瓊脂

egg capsule; oocyst; ootheca - 卵囊

egg culture - 卵培養

egg shell; testa ovi - 卵殼

egg chamber; eggchamber - 卵室

egg infective dose - 卵感染劑量

egg nucleus; ovodaryon - 卵核

egg albumen; egg albumin; egg whiteprotein; egg-white protein; eggalbumen; eggalbumin; eggwhiteprotein; ovalbumin; ovoalbumin - 卵清蛋白

egg ball; oosphere - 卵球

egg globulin; eggglobulin; ovoglobulin - 卵球蛋白

egg white - 卵白

egg albumen; egg albumin; egg whiteprotein; egg-white protein; eggalbumen; eggalbumin; eggwhiteprotein; ovalbumin; ovoalbumin - 卵白蛋白

egg lecithin; egglecithin - 卵磷酯

egg cell; ootid - 卵細胞

egg tubercle; ova nokule - 卵結節

soluble egg antigen - 可溶性蟲卵抗原

high egg passage - 多代雞胚疫苗

low egg passage; loweggpassage - 少代雞胚疫苗

nylon pocket egg concentration method - 尼龍袋集卵法

stolls egg count method - 斯托爾氏早卵計算法

egg burster - 破卵器

alkaline egg medium - 鹼性雞蛋培養基

tellurite polymxyin egg yolk - 碲酸多粘菌卵黃

crystalline egg albumin - 結晶卵白蛋白

egg tubercle; ova nodule - 蟲卵結節

egg shell; testa ovi - 蛋殼樣鈣化

n. egg coal - 蛋形煤

egg water; eggwater - 蛋水

egg white - 蛋清

egg albumin; eggalbumin; ovalbumin - 蛋清清蛋白

albumen; apo; apo; egg albumen; egg white; eggalbumen; protide - 蛋白

egg food - 蛋類食品

egg powder - 蛋粉

egg nog; eggnog - 蛋酒

egg yolk; vitellus - 蛋黃

egg nog; eggnog - 蛋黃乳

egg yolk reaction - 蛋黃反應

egg plate - 蛋黃平板

egg yolk agar - 蛋黃瓊脂培養基

fresh egg yolk - 雞子黃

egg inoculation - 雞胚接種

egg culture-medium; egg medium - 雞蛋培養基


無黃卵 - alecithal egg

n.鹼性雞蛋培養基 - alkaline egg medium

不等黃卵 - anisolecithal egg

孵蛋,孵卵 - brooding of egg

中黃卵 - centrolecithal egg

閉鎖卵 - cleidoic egg

n.結晶卵白蛋白 - crystalline egg albumin

n.去胚卵 - de-embryonated egg

幼蟲包藏卵,含胚卵 - embryonated egg

雌性生殖細胞,雌卵 - female egg

n.受精卵,孕卵 - fertilized egg

n.人蛔蟲受精卵 - fertilized egg of ascaris lumbricoides

n.鳳凰衣 - follicular membrane of hens egg

n.雞子黃 - fresh egg yolk

n.蛙卵 - frogs egg

n.鳳凰衣 - hen membrane of hen egg

休眼卵 - hibernating egg

n.多代雞胚疫苗 - high egg passage

全裂卵 - holoblastic egg

等黃卵,均黃卵 - homolecithal egg

n.鳳凰衣 - inner shell membrane of fowl's egg

等黃卵,均黃卵 - isolecithal egg

濕蛋品,濕蛋白 - liquid egg

n.光次卵傳代,少代雞胚疫苗 - low egg passage

雄卵 - male egg

多黃卵 - megalecithal egg

n.不全裂卵 - meroblastic egg

小卵黃卵,小黃的卵 - microlecithal egg

n.鑲嵌卵 - mosaic egg

不越年卵,生種 - nonhibernating egg

n.尼龍袋集卵法 - nylon pocket egg concentration method

少卵黃卵,小黃卵 - oligolecithal egg

多黃卵 - polylecithal egg

n.調整卵 - regulation egg

耐久卵,抵抗性卵 - resisting egg

休眠卵 - resting egg

單卵 - simple egg

n.臭蛋味 - smell of putrid egg

n.可溶性蟲卵抗原 - soluble egg antigen

n.斯托爾氏早卵計算法 - stolls egg count method

突發卵 - subitaneous egg

夏卵 - summer egg

n.碲酸多粘菌卵黃 - tellurite polymxyin egg yolk

n.端黃卵,偏黃卵 - telolecithal egg

n.未受精卵 - unfertilized egg

n.人蛔蟲未肥精卵 - unfertilized egg of ascaris lumbricoides

冬卵 - winter egg


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